I grew PPP last year, both indoors and outdoors, with various size pots. ( 5 gal thru 20 gal ). PPP is a good yeilder and requires a minimul amount of fuss. Indoors, on a three ft. plant I got around 2 1/2 to 3 oz. per plant. ( Topped and fimmed ) Outdoors on a 4 to 5 ft. plant I got around 4 to 6 oZ. per plant. But due to late start last year I am sure it would have been much more. This year I am again growing PPP
this time in 50 gal smart pots outside, with a custom blend of soils ( worm/compost castings as a base ) and after 1 month in the grownd they have taken off like a rocket. If they keep gowing like this I expect a minimum of 1/2 lb per plant.
Regardless, PPP is an excellent choice for a strain. Forgiving enough for newbies, while retaining excellent smokability if cured correctly. ( It does tend to smoke a little harsh, especially if uncured or quick dried ) I consider it to be the norm that I judge other sativa/indica crosses by.