What Will Happen If Prop 19 Passes And Obama Sues Cali?


Well-Known Member
I am a strong believer of prop 19 and prop 215 and so far the polls are looking good from what Ive read, however Obama is strongly against it and will sue California if it does passes. what do you think will happen if obama administration sinks to that level? I was smoking some kush and we had this little debate with a few friends, someone mentioned civil war lol another mention that 10th amendment constitution protects us or something like that. what do you guys think?


New Member
I'd say "Obama",,,is just trying to save what ever they have allowed to happen so far,,,You Sould be really worried if the Republicans take control.
Exactly, time has proven that liberal/progressives are much more liable to lessen restrictions on weed. Conservative/righties are way too law oriented, and always (Most times) take the side of law enforcement. Does anyone realize what legalization will do to law enforcement, it would decimate it, LEOs, lawyers, judges, prison guards, jailers, a lot of them should and may be un-employed. Does anyone think the repukes would tolerate this?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
If 19 passes then there will be a legal shit-storm for at least a couple years afterward...local and federal. Technically the bill will go "immediately into effect." While the details are hammered out in Sacramento, local authorities will have carte blanche to prosecute medical growers for violations of the provisions of 19. It's going to be fucking chaos in California, that's certain.

Thanks, Dick.


Well-Known Member
i think that prop is really about Money, here in cali its so easy to get a medical card, I litterally told the doctor that I cant sleep at night and It affects my job, and he prescribes me for medical marijuana, if its that easy to get a medical card here, why would we need the prop.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, time has proven that liberal/progressives are much more liable to lessen restrictions on weed. Conservative/righties are way too law oriented, and always (Most times) take the side of law enforcement. Does anyone realize what legalization will do to law enforcement, it would decimate it, LEOs, lawyers, judges, prison guards, jailers, a lot of them should and may be un-employed. Does anyone think the repukes would tolerate this?
Exactlly,,,Just like they wanna get rid of the IRS,,,all talk,,,trying to get that to happen is utterly immpossable,,,But "Obama",,,let what is created today in the "Medical Marijuana industry",,,Regan and Republicans is the "WAR on Drugs"!!!! Think Hard people.


New Member
i think that prop is really about Money, here in cali its so easy to get a medical card, I litterally told the doctor that I cant sleep at night and It affects my job, and he prescribes me for medical marijuana, if its that easy to get a medical card here, why would we need the prop.
For those that don't want to go through the hassle, legalization is far better than med cards. In Nv., it is such a hassle that in a state with 3 million people, less than 1,000 have cards, at last count.


Well-Known Member
If 19 passes then there will be a legal shit-storm for at least a couple years afterward...local and federal. Technically the bill will go "immediately into effect." While the details are hammered out in Sacramento, local authorities will have carte blanche to prosecute medical growers for violations of the provisions of 19. It's going to be fucking chaos in California, that's certain.

Thanks, Dick.
I am interested in what kind of chaos California will go through, what do you think the state will do to defend its citizen? I mean they cant arrest all of us if we smoke pot because they states say so. would be some crazy shit if California actually forms a militia ahahah

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I am interested in what kind of chaos California will go through, what do you think the state will do to defend its citizen? I mean they cant arrest all of us if we smoke pot because they states say so. would be some crazy shit if California actually forms a militia ahahah
I think that the chaos will result in the myriad of different ways 19 stands to be interpreted. I think that the local uber conservative yahoos will go after any "non-commerical" grow over 25 square feet because of how 19 is written (that bullshit about "lawfully cultivated"). The feds may not arrest everyone, but they can go to dispensary after dispensary shutting them down along the way. The state will have no way to defend any of its citizens, because none of the state laws matter if the case is brought on by a federal prosecutor. Basically, I think its possible that we could see a total disintegration of MJ in CA given the passage of 19 and the (expected) federal response, and if Cooley is elected Attorney General he will give the green light to basically shut down MMJ in CA...because he has said that he wants to do so.

If those two things happen, I will probably move ASAP...I wouldnt wait around to get locked up because people decided to vote me a criminal knowingly or unknowingly.

That's the shit storm that could land in CA IMO.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I am torn on this. IMHO, the economy is fucked and too many people are loosing their homes. While I want legal and safe access to MJ either by a medical or recreational program, I don't want to be broke and homeless because the economy is in the tank.
IMHO, I am strongly on the republican side to fix this mess unless another party comes up with a plan. I really don't think a "party" matters anymore other than who can try and fix this current mess of an economy. It just seems the Dems are completely out touch with what people what, including cannabis issues.
I guess I would rather live in a world where the economy and money was not an issue and play cat and mouse with the cops than live in a world where I can legally blaze up but be broke and homeless.
If it comes down to one or the other, I want a fixed economy and I will continue with how it has always been in terms of cannabis.

BUT, I am not in Cali so I can not vote on this measure but country wide, we have more major problems than this issue right now...again IMHO.


Well-Known Member
Just my two cents. Obama cannot sue California for several reasons. First of all Swarzenegger can easily crush Barry's head between his thighs, second of all, California is so broke that even the bums in downtown San Diego feel well off. And by what constitutional standing does Obama even have? There is NOTHING in the constitution that gives the federal Govt this kind of power.

The Feds don't have much power to do anything if the locals don't get involved, its not like they have a 5000 man team waiting on standby to do all these busts. All anyone would have to do is kill the few federal agents there actually are and that problem goes away. The Feds NEED the local constabulary to have any effect at all.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Just my two cents. Obama cannot sue California for several reasons. First of all Swarzenegger can easily crush Barry's head between his thighs, second of all, California is so broke that even the bums in downtown San Diego feel well off. And by what constitutional standing does Obama even have? There is NOTHING in the constitution that gives the federal Govt this kind of power.

The Feds don't have much power to do anything if the locals don't get involved, its not like they have a 5000 man team waiting on standby to do all these busts. All anyone would have to do is kill the few federal agents there actually are and that problem goes away. The Feds NEED the local constabulary to have any effect at all.
Arnie is gone...and why would CA being broke stop the feds from suing? I dont get it...And the feds have plenty of power to do anything they want - has that not been clearly demonstrated for decades? Legality and basis are mere interpretations...And the FBI has over 13K sworn employees...plenty to get a start on raids...


Well-Known Member
the feds can come to cali when commercial entities start to produce and then TRADE MARIJUANA OVER STATE LINES. because of the marijuana stamp act (look it up if your not familiar) and the governments constitutional right over interstate commerce, the justice department will be constitutionally bound to stop the violation of federal law. personally i dont think obama has an anti marijuana agenda, i just think that he looks at this issue from a constitutional law perspective

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I can read, but I am not a Harvard Law Graduate. Where in the constitution or the Federal laws does it state the Feds have the power to force states to make ANYTHING illegal at the state level? The power is not there. That is why there are state and federal laws. If the feds could force states on how they make laws, there would only be federal laws as the state laws would have no meaning.
I don't even see where they think they have the power to force us to buy health insurance. They don't have the right to force us to buy anything but that isn't stopping them. Pretty soon there will be a lot of shit we will be forced to buy if the Fed deems the product to be mandatory.


Well-Known Member
I can read, but I am not a Harvard Law Graduate. Where in the constitution or the Federal laws does it state the Feds have the power to force states to make ANYTHING illegal at the state level? The power is not there. That is why there are state and federal laws. If the feds could force states on how they make laws, there would only be federal laws as the state laws would have no meaning.
I don't even see where they think they have the power to force us to buy health insurance. They don't have the right to force us to buy anything but that isn't stopping them. Pretty soon there will be a lot of shit we will be forced to buy if the Fed deems the product to be mandatory.
thats not how laws work. maybe you should read a book or take a constitutional law class before you start flapping your mouth and spewing your verbal diarrhea. your ignorance is putrid.