What went wrong


New Member
She was doing great and then her new leaves started turning yellow and nnw they are curling and browning. This was just an experimental plant for me. She's been flowering for about 3 weeks.


Possibly UNDER feeding, easier to bounce back from under than over so make sure. Could also be caused by ph issues causing lockout.
What nutes? Lotta questions, I know, just trying to get as much info to help someone more experienced than me also


New Member
Possibly UNDER feeding, easier to bounce back from under than over so make sure. Could also be caused by ph issues causing lockout.
What nutes? Lotta questions, I know, just trying to get as much info to help someone more experienced than me also
Just chicken manure tea every once in awhile, also noticed little white bugs in soil.


Well-Known Member
Just chicken manure tea every once in awhile, also noticed little white bugs in soil.

Let the container dry out. Them things thrive in wet soil and will hollow the stalk out. You walk out and plant laying on the ground. Put a thick layer of sand or perlite on top. That will keep them from breeding. I also went heavy with Diatomaceous earth.

Its also hungry. The stretch burnt the N up. Get some fish emulsion to add to your tea.


New Member
Let the container dry out. Them things thrive in wet soil and will hollow the stalk out. You walk out and plant laying on the ground. Put a thick layer of sand or perlite on top. That will keep them from breeding. I also went heavy with Diatomaceous earth.

Its also hungry. The stretch burnt the N up. Get some fish emulsion to add to your tea.