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So why did those racists elect Obama twice? Maybe because Obama's mom was white so they considered him white? Then why wouldn't they elect white Hillary?
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do you hate jews as much as you hate muslims and legitimate climate research?
Are you retarded? I don't use that word very often, but in your case, I think it might actually be true. I brought up the same issue in a different thread and you recited the same talking points yourself.
The guy you're responding to already said what you said, that Obama won more votes. He won more than 7 million more votes than Clinton did. That means 7 million more people were excited to cast their vote for Obama than Clinton. Donald Trump performed worse than average and STILL fucking won. He had comparable numbers to Romney, Clinton's numbers were shit compared to Obama. I think it's pretty obvious you're simply in a state of denial about it because you can't accept that Hillary Clinton was a shitty candidate to run on the democratic ticket for many different reasons.
None of them being because she was a white woman. She failed on her own merits.
Now, will you and the democratic establishment continue to cry about it and pretend she lost because of sexism or racism and lose again in 2020 if we don't clean house by then?.. Probably.. But if I and the rest of the angry, frustrated, pissed off, actual progressive base who were right this entire election have anything to say about it, you won't.
i agree with most of what you are saying, except this. she did lose due to sexism and racism.
You voted for her.No, Buck..she lost because no one WANTED her as evidenced by 2008..are you familiar with how analogies work?
These sentences could be represented as logical analogies of the form A : B :: C : D. For example,
- A mason works with stone; similarly a carpenter works with wood.
- A square has four sides, just as a hexagon has six sides.
- Copper is a metal, whereas oxygen is a non-metal.
**Romney's loss is to Trumps win as is Clinton's loss is to Romneys loss
7 million of the electorate shirked their God-given right and civic duty because she was so unpopular (and I'm being nice here)..like I said, all the jivin' and shuckin' the dems did during the campaign was no match for the disdain people felt at the mere THOUGHT of a Wall St ELITE championing the working class. Her and her party took the only thing we wanted and would've beat Trump with: Sanders.
Mrs. Clinton you are NO Bernie Sanders! Thinking you could alleviate him of his supporters, proved deadly..your campaign died that very day!
This message was paid for in part by Bernie Sanders2020!
Part of me want to sample what you are smoking, but my other side says NO FUCKING WAY!!!!!!No, Buck..she lost because no one WANTED her as evidenced by 2008..are you familiar with how analogies work?
These sentences could be represented as logical analogies of the form A : B :: C : D. For example,
- A mason works with stone; similarly a carpenter works with wood.
- A square has four sides, just as a hexagon has six sides.
- Copper is a metal, whereas oxygen is a non-metal.
**Romney's loss is to Trumps win as is Clinton's loss is to Romneys loss
7 million of the electorate shirked their God-given right and civic duty because she was so unpopular (and I'm being nice here)..like I said, all the jivin' and shuckin' the dems did during the campaign was no match for the disdain people felt at the mere THOUGHT of a Wall St ELITE championing the working class. Her and her party took the only thing we wanted and would've beat Trump with: Sanders.
Mrs. Clinton you are NO Bernie Sanders! Thinking you could alleviate him of his supporters, proved deadly..your campaign died that very day!
This message was paid for in part by Bernie Sanders2020!
I don't think you can smoke it, it's a little tab you put on your tongue and swallow.Part of me want to sample what you are smoking, but my other side says NO FUCKING WAY!!!!!!
Well it was an interesting watch. I wonder if there are other people so dually inclined. He is definitely a world leader Soros. A verry interesting character.I disagree, too, but it is because of the strange things Soros has done with his "philanthropy". However, that is something of a side issue relative to the rest of the interview/investigation in that report.
The point being, when looking at "what went wrong", Soros is another part of that equation.
Not disagreeing, just pointing out that the ACA gave leverage to the GOP congress. They did not fund the ACA according to agreements yet the service providers where held to provide services nonetheless. So, costs exceeded income. In Oregon, we lost several service providers and a there were some shenanigans at the state level to keep a couple of key providers afloat. The price rises to cover congressional shortfall in funding the plan put the capper on the whole thing. So, yeah, ACA was an Albatross around Obama's neck.I think the increasing premiums played a very large part in Trump winning. I'm an independent who voted for Clinton, but I suspect that the democrats will not back away from supporting their unpopular healthcare law even in 2018 and will fail to take back the majority from either house.
It was so unpopular, it screwed democrats over in 2010. Instead of dropping the issue, they pushed even harder and now Trump is president, republicans own both houses, and the next few supreme court justices will be conservative. Whether you agree with Obamacare or not, I'd say you're in denial if you don't see that as one of the main reasons for losing both 2010 and now.
"we lost because not enough people went out to vote" is like saying "We lost because we didn't score enough touchdowns." Indeed, getting people to vote for you is the name of the game. Duh.
The question is... will democrats keep pushing mandatory corporate insurance and rising premiums, or will they come up with a better idea that can actually win back congress?
(even though I am clearly attacking obamacare, the point of this post is to explain why I think the republicans own the government, not to argue principle. Republicans own congress for a reason)
That said, the key states in this election were WI, MI, OH and PA. Do you think it was the ACA or their stagnant economies that brought them to vote for Trump?
Absolutely. WI didn't take the medicaid subsidies for ACA, and so the common worker is REALLY feeling it. It's funny that just 8 years ago, rising healthcare prices were considered a national emergency that needed an act of congress to stop... and now it's WAY worse, and the states without the subsidy feel it the most (in the voters). I mean in retrospect, it all seems obvious. I just couldn't understand how so many people in WI had trump signs.
Edit: to answer your question, I don't think there really was a stagnant economy, just stagnant wages. I really do think it was fear of their guns being taken and healthcare prices.
Wisconsin is "dead last in the Midwest for job creation."
— Mark Pocan on Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 in an interview
^^This rated "mostly true" at Politifact.
People with low wages weren't affected. They didn't received subsidized healthcare coverage but they never had coverage in the first place. It's my guess that they might have been more worried about other things, like a roof over the kid's heads.
Only now they have to pay for the unsubsidized plans and don't have enough money left over to make it through the deductible. If they decide not to, they have to pay a penalty to not receive healthcare. The low wage workers got totally screwed in WI. The one upside is for the people with serious healthcare needs who actually would have spent through their deductible, and people with preexisting conditions.
sounds like these poor, whiny, entitled white losers in the midwest need to take their own advice to people of color, and just find themselves some goddamn bootstraps.
get off the republican plantation, stop whining, and go start a business or something. don't wait for the government to make your life better, white people.
You explain to me why the state that voted for Obama twice in a row decided to vote for a white nationalist. Remember this is a thread called "what went wrong". It did go wrong you know. I didn't vote for trump.