What weather to plant in???


Well-Known Member
Okay well i'm thinking of transplanting outside soon but i'm just wondering if when i take the plants outside what would be the best weather to plant them in,i'm thinking about kinda rainy weather then sunnier l8ter on. but I'm pretty sure the hot sun shouldn't be beating down on them in the first few days right, and what should an average temperature be? I'm thinking in a week it should be about 15C- 20C. please let me know about this because tonight we had a freak snow storm but its not sticking or nothing but if the plants were out side now they could of died.


Well-Known Member
Are you for real? Talk about over thinking it. You want to plant in the rain so it as miserable as possible. Seriouly though, plant when it is shiny and happy out. Enjoy yourself.

Anyway, as for when to plant it is different all over the world. My rule of thumb is this, when the old lady next door plants her tomatoes, its "go time" mother fucker.


Active Member
Im new,tryin to get some seeds,have to go outdoors,sites I check out in Amst.say send cash,put it in a card,Im thinking m/ord?Is it to late?Its cold at nite about 40.Is it possible to start off right in the ground w/proper soil? noone will answer me.need help!! Impossible for inside. I wish I had a place like some of you guys got. Can someone answer me at thier early convience? Is that called guerilla growing? tycoon.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Im new,tryin to get some seeds,have to go outdoors,sites I check out in Amst.say send cash,put it in a card,Im thinking m/ord?Is it to late?Its cold at nite about 40.Is it possible to start off right in the ground w/proper soil? noone will answer me.need help!! Impossible for inside. I wish I had a place like some of you guys got. Can someone answer me at thier early convience? Is that called guerilla growing? tycoon.
It's not too late, Tycoon. I don't know where you live, but in most of North America it's still too early to plant outside. Hell, I haven't even germed my seeds yet. I won't do that until next weekend. I'll germ them on Friday, have them in Jiffy Pots Sunday night, and two weeks later plant them outside. Check with your local garden store and ask them when it's safe to put tomatoes outside. That's the best rule of thumb for planting dope outdoors.

If you've got about a hundred bucks in cash, here's how I'd start if I were you. Get a prepaid credit card for 70 bucks, and go online to BCSeedking.com. Purchase 25 seeds of whatever strain strikes your fancy; if you do it this weekend, you'll probably have your seeds by early the following week (not this coming week, the week after that.) The three times I've bought from them, I've always gotten my seeds within 6 days - not business days, calendar days. Pick up two of the 25-pellet packages of Jiffy Pot seed starters, those little peat pellets that expand into 2x2 inch peat pots. Germ the seeds and get them into starter pots immediately, and by the second weekend of May most of your plants will be 2-4 inches tall (depending on the strain.) 2 small trays of Jiffy Pots will only take up 2 square feet of space, so you shouldn't have to worry about security.

If you're really, really worried about someone spotting the seedlings, germ them a week before planting outside. They'll just be popping out of the ground, only an inch tall or thereabouts, when you get 'em in the ground. That's still better than planting the seeds straight into the ground.