What watt lighting will attract attention?


Well-Known Member
I've been wanting to expand my light setup for breeding purposes and additional production. I currently run CFL's and a 400w hPS. Thinking about going up to a T5 200w and 600w HPS. Do people get concerned about attention with 1000w bulbs?
If you could share a bit that would be helpful and also share what wattage for veg and flower you run I would appreciate it to see some statistics. :idea::leaf:

jack ripa

Active Member
Well it depends on the state but I would grow anywhere with a couple 1ks and not worry one bit as long as I was smart about heat and venting. You ever look at how many watts a dryer pulls?


Well-Known Member
To my knowledge everything is automated in the power company and the feds need a sopena to gain that information so unless theres a reason to investigate (youre not paying your bill or you have smell issues) then you should be totally fine. Think about if you added a high powered computer or 60 in plasma it would add enormous amounts of usage. I dont think the increase you talk about should garner attention. Just make sure you address smell and temps


Well-Known Member
I have my own land, 177cfm fan for exhaust, basement temps and cooltube. Given those things how much more heat should I be worried about in an 11x12 room?

jack ripa

Active Member
If I were worried about wattage I would go with 4 600s and vent like a mofo. More canopy, less watts. The total room for 2400w of light will probably pull less than 50 kwh a day which is way less than baking a turkey and doing laundry.

No worries man. If you get to 12-24 1k lights you might raise some eyebrows. Just know the law and your rights and be a hard ass.