What watering is involved in the first week?! Please help


So I want to germinate my seeds today but I will be going away thursday night to sunday morning this week. So basically if I put them in water tonight whats the watering schedule from now until sunday?

I was going to soak them overnight and plant them in pots tomorrow morning with wet soil.

So what should i expect for this week? AKA when will the catelydons (sp?) and what should my course of action be from now until sunday?

I waiting to long to germinate and now Im realizing if I plant next week I may run out of time from summer!


Btw what do you guys think about a 50/50 mix of vermiculite and soil just for the seedlings? They are in the jiffy pots that you can transplant straight into the soil, so I was only going to leave them growing in those for like a week before transplanting


Active Member
the first week you shouldnt need alot of watering cause the plants wont be drinking much until in gets a good root system depending on your soil drainage usually 2 to 3 days your safe, my soil drys out enough in 4 to 5 days before i water!!
good luck ill be around tomorrow if you have any other questions and im sure others will be around to help!!