What water PH should I use ?


Well-Known Member
Dear Friends, Im growing in an organic soil mixed with perlite, It says the the PH is 4.19 for the soil, and my tap water ph is 8.0, should i bring it down to 6.5 ? or use it as it is and it will get balanced with the soil ?

Organic Matter 96 %,pH 4.19,NaCl 0.045 Ec 1.96
[/h] 70% Water saver, Retain Moisture for Long Period

No Smell , Zero Chemical Reaction

Made out of Nature made Eco-Peat, Biococopeat, Mushroom Spent, sugarcane Spent, Neemcake Humic Acid, Seaweed, Organic NPK , Micronutrients

• It contains 96%Organic Matter plus Humic acid & Micro Nutrients
• It has excellent water absorption, water retention qualities thereby save the percentage of water lost through percolation.
• Incorporation of this keeps the planting media always wet and moist long after irrigated.
• It improves soil structure by creating air pores in the growing media.
• This potting soil does not contain Weed seeds & Bacteria
• No smell, No Chemical reaction.

• Specially processed for indoor & A/C Rooms.
• Recommended for lawn, flowers, vegetables, fruits & Date Palms
• Quick results & Higher yield
• It retains water holding capacity outdoor 1day, indoors 3days.
• It is excellent for lawns and nurseries for seedling.


Active Member
Sounds like this dirt is for house plants like Miracle Grow or whatever I would go for a name brand like Ocean Forest then you just have to ph to 6.5 ....:clap:


Well-Known Member
you want around 6.5 too 7 ph for water. nutes will drop the ph in soil. so the more nutes you use the more you should do this.
pot is getting light plant is still looking good i need to water and feed.
if you have 1 gallon pot add 1/2 cup plain water first,
then add water with nutes in it till you get 1/2 cup run off form plant this will make sure you dont burn your plant with hot nutes as easy. and depending on your lights is how much nutes you gonna use. if you using cfl/t5 then use 1/2 the amount it tells you to. for mh/hps use 3/4 amount for 3 watt diode led use 2/3 amount. now your soil what does it have in it. a good base of 10/10/10 is good one that will feed for 3 months your plant will use it in 2 months. then you just have to add bloom nutes the whole time depending on strain you are using. make sure to check your plants 2 times a day adjsut lights check each plant for leaf color, when you find a diff color showing take pic and psot here asap so all can help you get nutes water ect balanced.RIU family has tons of experience. just dont over or under water. and keep lights right distance and also this is huge humidity 50% if great for veg 20-30% for flower and 20% for bloom. I hope this helps.
Peace and Love all.


Well-Known Member
Ive been reading that organic soil can fix its PH by it self, so i didnt get a clear answer yet, My tap water is 8 in PH, should i water my plants the regular tap water and cz the soil PH is 4.19, or i should always water my plants 6.5 water ? please help


Well-Known Member
Ive been reading that organic soil can fix its PH by it self, so i didnt get a clear answer yet, My tap water is 8 in PH, should i water my plants the regular tap water and cz the soil PH is 4.19, or i should always water my plants 6.5 water ? please help
I would suggest adding some Dolomite lime to the soil...then just use your tap water as is. Don't start seedlings in that soil though. Use an inert seed starter mix and transplant into soil after 3 or 4 nodes of growth.

What you are asking is if the water will correct the low soil ph. Perhaps over time it will...but initially your plants are exposed to an excessively low ph. I would call that the "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger" school of growing. lol