What type of lights?


New Member
What would be a good alternative to HID when heat and electricity consumption is a concern? The heat is really giving my bills a kick in the ass.

My veg room is 5x5 and the flower room 6x5.

I have been looking into T5 and the Inda-Gro induction lights.

I am confused about new HO T5 and the spectrums etc. Have they gotten better?

Part of the problem is I am reading threads that are dated differently so, the technology may have improved.


Well-Known Member
I use T5HOs (HO = high output) for Veg and LEDs for flowering, works great, the T5HO tube`s is a mix of 2700K and 6500K (K = Kelvin = the color/spectrum of the light)


Active Member
I have always cheered for technology. If you wait long enough technology will solve your problems. Sometimes technology will solve problems you didn’t even know you had :- ) Folks, for the most part, when they think about technology, think of computers, the internet, smart phones etc. The fact is technology is evolving all around us. From arcade games to play station. From clay pots to Corning ware. From 132 column line printers to desktop color lasers. The same holds true with lighting. It has evolved.

Technology is offering an alternative for Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium lamps. LED Lighting has evolved to the point where they perform as well or better than your other grow room alternatives. Not only that but they use about 80% less energy, i.e. reduced operating expense, run cool to the touch, and last 50,000 hours or more. That means you won’t need to buy another bulb for over 10 years (based on 12 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you are still using Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium to bring up your girls you are literally burning up money. Not to mention wasting energy and contributing more than your fair share of carbon to our atmosphere. So let the debate begin :- )


Well-Known Member
For flowering use HPS or LED although you can use CFL's although they will give you a lower yield with looser buds whereas HPS give off lots of heat although they will give you nice dense buds.


Well-Known Member
todays t5 lights are very good . they will grow the weed with the best of them and even flower it , and it will spread very widely in the veg room. its a great choice, but problem is . that room will take a 8 bulb 4 foot lights to get very fast growth . so that's 440 watts. and a air cooled (open hood) no glass 600 watt mh hortilux will grow it 2 times as fast, and do the same area, or next choice im starting to buy these , you will need 2 two of these to do that veg to flower and veg, clone . it looks like a great choice , I have 2 as well but its untested . I cant say if it is good or not. yet . its very bright plants stand up to it. and like it but idk how fast it will grow yet ? two of these will be 4 times as bright as a t5 set up and less watts. hope this helps. first impressing its FUCKING BAD ASS . http://www.ebay.com/itm/300W-LED-Grow-Light-Full-Spectrum-IR-For-Indoor-Grow-Greenhouse-Hydroponic-Plant-/291003115391?pt=US_Hydroponics&hash=item43c123277f I compare it to 800 dollar one in a hydro store its heavy duty quiet fans . it will impress you , but if I were you for personal smoke . I would buy 2 of these and it would be over kill but only use 400 watts or only 200 when you had smaller plants. or go with the new t5. I have every light out there except the new plasma . and the induction. the induction my opinion looks like a piece of shit. just a little brighter then a t5 5 times the cost. led is 5 times more bright .