What type of lights


Plan to grow three plants what the cheapest and best lights you guys recommend and i also need sockets to put them in?

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
You could probably get 3 plants worth of light for a little bit over $100 if you use mixed spectrum cfl through the whole grow so you don't need two sets of lights. I would suggest getting three 125watt cfls (Real watts not equivalent), one 2700k one 5500k and one 6500k. The lights are $25-30 each on amazon. I would also get three 10.5 inch clamp reflectors for them, they are $13 on amazon and they have ceramic sockets that will easily deal with the lights, and with some positioning and reflective backing (Mylar, b/w poly, etc.) you should have enough lumens for 3 plants through both cycles.


New Member
I just got a T5HO 54 watt two bulb fixture at Home Depot for $39.95. They also sell bulbs for ~$10.00. I think they are 5000K bulbs. I bought it for early veg, but I next too grow a plant or two under it out you had good grow bulbs in it. For all you fluorescent haters out there, if you haven't seen one of these T5 HO's powered up, you might want to take a trip to your local HD and see for your self. It is easily the brightest light by double.

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CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I'd get some big, bright lights with pictures of squirrels on them because everybody know that squirrels bring good luck. I would definitely hang up some pictures of draft horses and a small disco ball in the NW corner of your room has always worked good for me.


i bought a sunsystems 4' 4 bulb t5 that had both red and blue spectrum bulbs in it. works perfect for veg and flower.Got it from my local hydro store for 115$.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Here are amazon links for the lights I suggested, non cfl growers can call it bad advice, but it will work, there are plenty of grows on here that used far less light, you don't need an 800w HID for three plants.
This is good for a budget IMHO
http://www.amazon.com/Hydrofarm-FLC125W-125-Watt-Compact-Fluorescent/dp/B002TJS7LE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1388801102&sr=8-1&keywords=125+watt+cfl <--- 125w 2700k cfl ($30)
http://www.amazon.com/LimoStudio-Spectrum-Lighting-Photography-daylight/dp/B0058KJNPA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1388801275&sr=8-1&keywords=85w+watt+cfl+6500k <--- 4 pack of 85w 6500k cfl ($40)
and a link to the reflectors
http://www.amazon.com/Alert-Stamping-RLB-6MC-Reflector-10-5-Inch/dp/B000WEPJD2/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1388801444&sr=8-4&keywords=clamp+light+10.5 ($13 each)
The clamp lights allow you to position the lights closer to plants than overhead fixtures and are a good bit cheaper. But do whatever works for you, there are options out there you just have to look.
If you want to go for HID on a budget you could something like this
but it will run much hotter, you will need extra bulbs, and you won't be able to get both spectrums without dropping a lot of cash (HID light is a very narrow spectrum, as opposed to CFL's which are much broader)


New Member
That's no lie. Three ripe ladies can work up quite a stink! Carbon is a must regardless of light type:what:

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Well-Known Member
Everyone is overlooking the best deal on lighting....Craigslist. Here's some random ads it took me all of 5 minutes to find:





Click on "For Sale" in your home-town's Craigslist and type in "HPS" or T5 or "MH" or whatever you're looking for and pay pennies on the dollar. I equipped my grow room with almost everything from C/L.


New Member
Never anything wrong with keeping things on a "need to know" basis. There are those who would seek to take advantage of our hard work and deprive us the fruits of our labors. :confused:

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Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
True that, I always forget about stuff like that, too long spent living with big dogs and high fences I guess. Agoraphobia has its benefits when it comes to home security.