What type of lights for a closet

T macc

Well-Known Member
Okay, I got a question....I wunna make a setup in my closet. Its a bedroom closet so it measures 6ft x 2ft x 8ft (LxWxH). but theres a shelf in the middle about 6ft. above the ground. Soo my question is

What type of HPS should i use??

1000w, 600w, or 400w

or should i just make it an all CFL grow??

i can fit 14 plants in there easy. i just wunna make sure all plants get enough light. I'm gunna go buy the equipment this weekend.

The walls will be covered with Mylar. I'm goin to put some type of wood on the floor. And a couple fans to keep it all cool.



Well-Known Member
if I were you Id go with a 600w. except id only put 6-10 plants.
if u want 14 then maybe a 1000 would be better.


Well-Known Member
600 is the best overall vs 1000 and 400... BUT... in your situation you should probably thin about doing a 400 watter on a light mover.... 400 watt only cover a 4x4 efficiently..5x5-6x6 for a 600... and 6x6-8x8 for a 1000... IN your case the heat will be your killer... so keep it to a 400 unless your gonna be putting in a bunch of high $$$ fans....

T macc

Well-Known Member
thanks guys

I'll probobly go get a 600w. that should be enough. Cause im gunna grow my friends plants too. Does anyone know were i can get a cheap HPS from??


Well-Known Member
I've got a closet setup, 9ft X 3.5ft X 7.5ft

make sure you have good ventilation, i've been struggling with this, i'm only using half of the closet now (other side will be for flowering) and it's sometimes hard to keep a good temp, and that's just a 400w MH on 9 plants, so just work out a plan for that asap:leaf:

i'm switching them to 600w HPS in about a month, and am worried about heat issues

cheap hps http://www.htgsupply.com/


Well-Known Member
Remember having alot of plants is not always the way to go
the less you grow with the more room you have for a larger yeild and the bigger you can make them girls get
im using a 400watt for veg and a 600watt for flowering and thats for 4 plants
for you, go with a 600watt for veg than a 1000watt for flowering

a good place to get a cheap light is online, either ebay or a hydro store, grade A stuffs


Well-Known Member
did anyone read that his shit is 2 feet wide?... I had a 400 watter in a 2 feet wide cabinets and it gets really hot.... Hell i veg with a 4t5and250hps combo unit and it gets a little hot but then its because that unit doesnt have inline ducting ...in a closet like that you wil need to have the light in some type of cooltube or vented hood... and the airflow throw that needs to be pushing out of the closet or your gonna get tooo hot.... Good luck...


Well-Known Member
My spot is a lot smaller 22" X 20" X 5' veg two t5s and two t12..and I'm starting at 430W HPS and I'm not drilling and holes.. if not to hot I may go 600W... but my neighbor has a 400 and the heat is very easily controlled with just 1 18" fan...

T macc

Well-Known Member
Yea. i'll probobly get a cool tubed 600w and put two 18" on each side of the closet to keep it cool. And im renting the house rite now so i cant really put big holes in the walls to vent....i'll juss keep the door cracked opened during the day while the lights are on. to get fresh air.

any more suggestions ppl??

would be appreciated (if i spelled that rite)