what type of lighting and fans will I need for a grow tent?

bud man jay

Well-Known Member
I'm getting a grow tent size 48x24x60 and i was wondering what type of fans and exhaust will I need? I already have a 400hps sodium light and two clip on fans. What kinda ducting and exhaust do you guys recommend. All input will be appreciated


Active Member
I would say a 6inch inline fan with carbon filter and either cool tube or vented air cooled hood. I like the hoods. Better lighting. Sun systems are awesome. GL


Well-Known Member
well, I would think you will probably need the same equipment (fans and lighting) for the tent grow.. as you would if you were growing without a tent. ;)

Just make sure you keep the lights on temps in check though.. but that's pretty easy to take care of as long as you have adequate air circulation such as a good intake and exhaust (fans).

As far as lighting goes.. I would think you could still use HPS/MH lights with the tent.. but again.. just make sure you don't get the tent too hot using those type of lights.. could cause the tent to catch fire..

In a nutshell? Just make sure you don't get the inside of the tent to overcrowded with equipment... scale things down a little bit.. and there ya go.

I really don't know too much about using grow tents.. as I've never used one. Never seen the need for a tent..

anyhow, good luck to ya. and im sure someone else will glide through here and give you more advice. Hopefully someone that uses a grow tent..

either way, best of luck to ya's.


bud man jay

Well-Known Member
ok I got my plants vegging in a closet in my bedroom under six four foot t5's. I got 1 bag seed plant in a five gallon bubble bucket and i got 4 bubblegum clones 5 mind bender from seeds and 1 rocklock from seed all in a aeroponioc system. This is my 2nd week of veg. After about 21 days in veg i wanna put them im my grow tent to flower them.

Materials i got so far for my closet........

1- 6" inline duct fan
1 -400w hps light (open reflector)
2- clip on fans

I fot to get some ducting and a carbon filter any more suggestion for tent grow?


Well-Known Member
Here is my list, I may have missed a few things.

2 600w light
1 6x6 tent
2 intake/exhaust fans
1 Oscillating fan
30' 6" Ducting
2 timers
2 misc surge protectors strips/HD extention cords
1 indoor temp/humidity meter
4 lamp height adjusters
1 complete set of Fox Farm Nutrients(6 total)
1 Gravity by Humboldt's own
1 Snow Storm Ultra by Humboldt's own
1 filter for smell
zip ties
Duct Tape

bud man jay

Well-Known Member
Here is my list, I may have missed a few things.

2 600w light
1 6x6 tent
2 intake/exhaust fans
1 Oscillating fan
30' 6" Ducting
2 timers
2 misc surge protectors strips/HD extention cords
1 indoor temp/humidity meter
4 lamp height adjusters
1 complete set of Fox Farm Nutrients(6 total)
1 Gravity by Humboldt's own
1 Snow Storm Ultra by Humboldt's own
1 filter for smell
zip ties
Duct Tape
soiunds good i cant wait to start in my tent. Right now im in a closet. 2nd week of veg. Im gonna thro them into flowering when I get my tent in two weeks. I think imma get a dr120.


Well-Known Member
Im using a 48x24x60..and worm drive i would try 2 take the ballast out the tent(although it looks good) but the can get hot! and its gonna raise ya temps unless ur gonna use an ac or somethin 2 cool the tent..and 2 the OP i have pics and i can tell u what ur gonna need


Well-Known Member
Im using a 48x24x60..and worm drive i would try 2 take the ballast out the tent(although it looks good) but the can get hot! and its gonna raise ya temps unless ur gonna use an ac or somethin 2 cool the tent..and 2 the OP i have pics and i can tell u what ur gonna need
?? The Ballast are outside the tent.