What too many nutrients does..


Well-Known Member
about 4 weeks. Im using the canna terra range at the moment. Terra Vega, I havent really given them that much considering their age. Maybe 2 feeds? 2 and a half?


Well-Known Member
about 4 weeks. Im using the canna terra range at the moment. Terra Vega, I havent really given them that much considering their age. Maybe 2 feeds? 2 and a half?

mate dont feed ur babies anymore....personally i would change the soil(its too hot) that means there u wont have to worry about the problems anymore. That guy in the growshop obviously didnt know that you were going to grow weed did he? coz if he did he would have told/given you the correct soil..i think he has given you a soil with a peat base or something similar...

just my observation..:wink: hope this helps any...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
When you say to hot, wat do you mean? Too high in ph? Or actually to high of a temperature?
lol no mate:wink:

when i say too hot i mean that the soil has far too many nutrients in it already(it has been supplied to you like that-its not your fault:wink:) some soils are for plants that are only starting out in life(seedling etc)whereas some soils are for plants that already have their root systems established and only need transplanted(like a garden shrub that has outgrown its pot-sorry 4 bad example:roll:)
so its possible that you have a soil that is for a more established(mature) plant than yours is at the minute.

the fact that you are feeding your babies as well isnt helping you'r little one's :wink:, simply because of the soil having the necessary nutrients already in it....but dont panic all can be saved with a little TLC and a bit of advice.....:wink::p

hope this helped you my friend...:wink:


Well-Known Member
Ok so how do I transplant without hurting them??

wait until your soil is quite dry(:!:dont water b4hand:!:)grab gently by stem and using hardly any pressure take the seedling out of its substrate that it is now in,and transplant into new substrate;-).mist the bottom of the rootmass before you transplant it as well as misting the substrate that it is going into.:wink:..once the rootmass is positioned correctly in its new home-cover any exposed roots with new soil/substrate,and give your babies some water to get them settled into their new home.:clap:..

hope this helps you my friend


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats wat I did and they were sweet. So I bumped it up and they went like this... Oh well its all a learning curve. How many grows have you done? Would it be safe to flush with un-ph'd water then after I have flushed give it like a litre or 2 od phd water? I just really dont wanna ph heaps of buckets of water, and using a hose will be way easier.
If u flush u need to do it with PH'd water. If you flush with water that has a PH of 8 then put 2 liters of PH'd water on top of that you will end up with a PH of arounf 7.8.
I think ur issue is PH. Before u transplant why dont u check the PH of your runoff water to get a good idea. To do that u water with a PH of 7 like u have been and when the water leaks out of the bottom of the pot test that. My guess is that that water will be a higher PH than 7. If it is u may have found your prob. If not transplant.


Well-Known Member
Nah I tested it its around 6 - 6.5..... closer to 6.5.
wow, then u get the award for the worst looking nute burn i have ever seen in my life!!! were u on vacation for 2 weeks? i highly doubt u tested the runoff and got a ph of 6-6.5, but if u say so. when u transplant a stressed plant like that u risk losing it. GL