What too many nutrients does..


Well-Known Member
Ok I dont usually come into the wrong section of the forum, forgive me, but I have a serious issue in the problems section... Suspected nute burn, already flushed and its not fixing it. I got pics.. Please help

The last pic is of my lst'd lemon skunk... which i think looks pretty cool. But the rest need urgent attention.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
It looks like you have nute burn from running the nutes too strong - flush and pray is all you can do. Damaged plants will not repair the damaged leaves.


Well-Known Member
Ok I dont usually come into the wrong section of the forum, forgive me, but I have a serious issue in the problems section... Suspected nute burn, already flushed and its not fixing it. I got pics.. Please help

The last pic is of my lst'd lemon skunk... which i think looks pretty cool. But the rest need urgent attention.

personally that soil looks a bit hot for them plants mate,i would tansplant into new soil or i would take the plants out of the soil and re-mix ur soil with some soil that has NO nutrients in it.just my suggestion:wink:


Well-Known Member
i personally think they look like grow bags...but soil nonetheless...give them a nice long flush, should pull through...


Well-Known Member
personally that soil looks a bit hot for them plants mate,i would tansplant into new soil or i would take the plants out of the soil and re-mix ur soil with some soil that has NO nutrients in it.just my suggestion:wink:
^^^ Thats my usual choice with a plant that size...back to square one... new nute free soil and maybe some better drainage.. I do a 50-50% soil promix combo...the problem with trying to flush a small plant is the risk of a circular problem issue....flush nutes..... shit, water od...etc... Luck..


Green Thumb of God
Don't worry that it isn't getting any better as long as it is not getting worse you are okay. That is a nasty burn but as long as you aren't using time release nutrients just water that plant regularly with out feeding it for the next two weeks and it will be fine.


Well-Known Member
no he isnt--look at the pots of soil that they are sitting in:wink:
Ah, it looked like he was doing some kind of hydro because it looked like he had panda film over the tops of the pots to protect the roots from light. Plus in one of the pictures you can see what looks like a tube system in the background.


Active Member
Yeah, you have a problem, it looks to me like you're using HPS which is normally used for flowering. Am I correct?



Well-Known Member
Looks to be nute burn along with ph issues there. Transplant into some good ph'ed soil ASAP.



Well-Known Member
Yeah man, Im using 2 x 400 watt hps for both veg and flower. The guy at the head shop said it would be all good. OK I will try and flush again, see how that works. If I have no luck I will repot. Thanks for all your help.


Well-Known Member
I have been using phd water at 6.5 - 7. Its quite hard to get it perfect sometimes. I dont think its a ph issue... but I suppose it could be anything.


Well-Known Member
Constint change in your ph can effect the plant also so try to keep it consistent. And you dont always have to listen to the directions on your nutes. Start the plant off with half the dose to see if she likes it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats wat I did and they were sweet. So I bumped it up and they went like this... Oh well its all a learning curve. How many grows have you done? Would it be safe to flush with un-ph'd water then after I have flushed give it like a litre or 2 od phd water? I just really dont wanna ph heaps of buckets of water, and using a hose will be way easier.


Well-Known Member
I have been using phd water at 6.5 - 7. Its quite hard to get it perfect sometimes. I dont think its a ph issue... but I suppose it could be anything.
I was referring to your soil ph. Nutes will lower your soil ph and more so if you've hit'em hard.



Well-Known Member
As far as I no its really good soil. We have a shop in NZ called switched on gardener, its for all indoor grows. The guy at the shop told me to use cos thats wat he grows in. Can soil start out good and then go bad? How would I transplant without taking any soil with it and not damaging the roots?


Well-Known Member
Ah, it looked like he was doing some kind of hydro because it looked like he had panda film over the tops of the pots to protect the roots from light. Plus in one of the pictures you can see what looks like a tube system in the background.
i beg to differ my friend-as he states that he IS USING SOIL:wink:


Well-Known Member
Ok I dont usually come into the wrong section of the forum, forgive me, but I have a serious issue in the problems section... Suspected nute burn, already flushed and its not fixing it. I got pics.. Please help

The last pic is of my lst'd lemon skunk... which i think looks pretty cool. But the rest need urgent attention.

my 1st grow i had it worse than that.
food was building up on my stalk and under the leaves it built up to 2 to 5 mm.
it was well crusty.

plus i used hydro nute for a soil grow, what are well stronger than soil nutes.
i had to flush for 3 weeks.

how far are you on?
what nutes you using?.