What to use for Fertalizer


Well-Known Member
What type of fertalizers should i use for my plants, there about 6 inches tall right know just starting to form actuwal pot leafs. I have also herd merical grow is the worst for plants and thats all i can find because i dont know what im looken for, can someone help me out.:-? :joint: :confused:


Well-Known Member
well heres what ya want to do sport. 1st off merical grow is crap!
heres a great soil mix alot of people inclueding mysealf use
60% poting soil
15% bildingsand
5%npk pri-mix fertilizer
.........mix well an let sit for one week.
heres a link to fined some plant foods an fertilizers....
Discount Hydroponics - Nutrient Supplements


Well-Known Member
Im not tryen to do hydroponics, im doing normal soil growth, would that fertelization mix do the same. I was just debating on if i should just get some organic fertilizer from farm and fleet with N-P-K.:joint: :peace:


New Member
Here's what I ended up using ... and grew prized pot plants with it. Just remember, never exceed 1/4 strength.

For vegging: Peter's "Jack's Classic" 20-20-20.

For Flowering: Peter's "Jack's Classic Blossom Booster" 10-30-20.

Here's where to order by mail: http://www.jacksclassic.com/


Well-Known Member
Ight cool, i read in High Times that you should have about 4 different fertelizers, im at school right now but when i get home ill look it up and put on wut it says in there for fertelizers. bongsmilie :weed:
-and wut do u mean my dont exceed over 1/4 strenght?


New Member
Forget High Times. They are in the magazine selling business. Trust me, Bro ... the ferts I suggested are really great.

The 1/4 strength is what you want to use. By that I mean never exceed 1/4 of the dose printed on the label of the fertilizer container. And, if you are using a good soil mix, you won't need any fertilizers at all for around 45 days.



Well-Known Member
so that means dont even put as much in as it says on the directions on the bottel, only 1/4 of what it says:confused: ...


Active Member
Yea, high times sells mags. Fertalizer companies sell ferts. They wont tell you to use just a little bit. And most widely available ferts aren't really made for the purpose you will be using them for. Even the dosing schedule for my hydro nutes is way too strong by the back of the bottle directions.


Well-Known Member
I like the Jack's Classic series, very simple, very effective.

This schedule works well with a soil-less mix without nutrients added.

Start with a weaker mix rather than stronger, because less is more!

Seedlings and early veg.-----1/8 to ¼ teaspoon of Jack’ Classic All Purpose per gallon of water.

Veg cycle------Indoors-----1/4 to 1 teaspoon indoors, depending on growth rate, strain, etc.
Outdoors-----3/4 to1-1/2 teaspoon per gallon……..All Purpose.

For Flowering I simply switch to Jack’s Classic Blossom Booster
[FONT=&quot]Outdoor plants like more food than indoor plants[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: From my understandings im going to get some of that jacks grow shit. And by any chance can u get that at farm and fleet? the 20-20-20 and the 10-30-10, then the blossem bloom.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify....all you need is two formulations of Jack's Classic....
!) All Purpose 20-20-20
2) Blossom Booster 10-30-20.


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm ... use their line of products and cut the fertilizer strength in half.


New Member
im talking about jacks blossem bloom, does it look like blue crystels that u put in the water??????!!!
Yes ... they look like blue crystals. Its called Peter's Jack's Classic Blossom Booster 10-30-20 ... and should only be used during the flowering cycle. For vegging, use Peter's Jack's Classic 20-20-20.

You may have some difficulty finding it at your local nursery outlets because Peter's doesn't have national, or international distribution. They distribute mostly on the East Coast USA. But ... the good news is, you can order it through the mail from here: http://www.jacksclassic.com/



Active Member
i have shultz potting soil plus, will this soil be good for the hole growth of my weed plant?

i know i need to add fetalizer to the plants later on but can I keep using the potting soil I already have.

It says it encourages blooming, but I assum its ok for veg to.


Well-Known Member
ok good, cuz i got some jacks classic blossem bloom from my school for free, so all i need to do is buy the ones u said thanks alot, just wanted to make shure im given my babbies the right food.