what to study next


Well-Known Member
I have decided I want to let the people here at rollitup help me choose what to study next in school. I go to a sort of free learning school and I get to choose what I want to learn about. I have to choose topics that will strengthen my credits in the area of Psychology; and prepare me in my goals to help couples have more fulfilling relationships. I say I can study what I want but I am working with a teacher that must approve my study and will critiquing my ability to learn independently in my transcript also. This is a very fun way to learn but it also involves a lot of self discipline and motivation. I have explored a number of topics that may or may not relate to my goals as a relationship therapist, for instance…..

*Children and nature- your first study teachers encourage students to learn about something fun and I choose this. I got very hands on with this one and raised butterflies, worms, and plants with 5 children. I read books that related to the psychological effects of children experiencing natural process. I also wrote a very neat essay about my personal experience with kids over the semester.

* Small business management- I also sell sex toys on the side and although I was expecting it to be a small thing it kept getting bigger. I wrote a business plan read books about marketing and doing your own book work. I hope to work this business into my education. I do in home parties in the evening and make a good amount of money for the time I invest so it was great to use school to strengthen my business.

Motherhood thru memior- I was pregnant for this semester and I wanted to concentrate on Post Partum depression because many new parents can work thru these common emotions people often have after a new baby arrives. I read books by woman and fathers who were somehow impacted by this form of depression and I also read books by well known psychologist who specialize in this.

*Intersex and gender- One in every two thousand babies in America is born with genitalia that doesn’t exactly conform to the standards applied to their gender. Micro penis or enlarged clitoris, many forms of intersex attributes can surface on a number of different levels. A woman can appear completely normal on the outside but when having troubles conceiving a child doctors find she had male internal organs and female external organs. A man could be completely normal but be labeled intersexed do to his penis size not measuring up at birth? I read a wide range of books and included a large section of material that overviewed sociology and the gender assumptions that are applied to us from the moment of birth. This was a loaded semester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Self explorative therapy- I think an important part of helping people is allowing them to get to know themselves better. I myself find art, writing, and gardening to be very therapeutic. I wanted to know more about this and I was thrilled with my teacher for this one!! I looked at art therapy a concept that has come a long way from its origins of being used to diagnose mentally ill patients. A more modern form of art therapy allows the process of creating the art to be therapeutic. The end product is often not relevant to the therapist but more to the patient. I read a wide range of books on various forms of therapy that is far from conventional. I hate “couch therapy”.

So that leaves me with three more semesters to go. I think I’m wide open with the exception of math credits, I can get that through a seminar, and we have a separate class a teacher coordinates. I have so many ideas but I don’t know what to study and I sometimes don’t like that I only go to school twice a month and we all study different things.

Whatever I choose I’m sure I will be here looking for someone who wants to talk about what I’m learningJ Might as well see what you guys would be interested in.



Well-Known Member
My friend just did that and she liked it. Its amazing the amount of pills people take, we even start medicating our "hyper" children a very young age.


Active Member
there is a very big problem with the lack of communication between some doctors and their patients. the pharmacist can see the problem when a patient is taking multiple medications that cause detrimental effects when compounded in the body. its situations like with "vioxx" that can spread problems down the whole ladder of trust that doctors instil among their patients. drugs, legal or not, need to be respected. i had 2 family members involved in the vioxx fiasco. education is the key


Well-Known Member
bongspit I have a friend that studied animal human bonds. you could incorperate that into a study somehow. I am an animal looooveeeerrr also! sometimes i get along with them better than people. I can study whatever i want i just have to work witha teacher and i want it to look goo on my transcript.

dx1 yes you are right Dr's and psychopharmaceutical companies are getting increadably rich off our need to fix everything with a pill. They are the number one industry in America. Some drugs are life saving but we have taken this pill fix to an insane level.


New Member
bongspit I have a friend that studied animal human bonds. you could incorperate that into a study somehow. I am an animal looooveeeerrr also! sometimes i get along with them better than people. I can study whatever i want i just have to work witha teacher and i want it to look goo on my transcript.

dx1 yes you are right Dr's and psychopharmaceutical companies are getting increadably rich off our need to fix everything with a pill. They are the number one industry in America. Some drugs are life saving but we have taken this pill fix to an insane level.
if i had known then what I know now....lol
I would have taken agriculture/animal related classes because as it turns out I prefer the country life to the city life...and I love animals...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yes and i have worked on small organic farms from the time i turned 15, but its alot of work for very little money. I hope pnce my body is tired i can slow down and use my scholing in some way.
I am the second youngest person at my school and im 26! Most of the people are alot older than me. It's never to late to do something diffrent bong;)


New Member
yes and i have worked on small organic farms from the time i turned 15, but its alot of work for very little money. I hope pnce my body is tired i can slow down and use my scholing in some way.
I am the second youngest person at my school and im 26! Most of the people are alot older than me. It's never to late to do something diffrent bong;)
well, I am retired now and live in the country and I am having a good time...but I would like to learn how to weld...I think I might go to the tech center and take some welding classes...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
that's cool my dad was an amazing welder and he worked at Disney building rides when i was a kid. He also made way to much money and aquired some bad drug addictions:) I am so thrilled to say after 40 years of using hard drugs my dad is clean and now able to use his talent again!!!

Stoners With Guns

Active Member
wow thats awsome. i took some welding classes at the local college by my house. realy sweet just to learn. joining metal is lost art these days, and can realy come in handy with your hobie. my dad has been restoring old bath tub Porche's and mustang all my life, i've always had a hand in it but i just wish i was there from start to finish. thats a realy good trade to pass down to your boy.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I have decided I want to let the people here at rollitup help me choose what to study next in school. I go to a sort of free learning school and I get to choose what I want to learn about. I have to choose topics that will strengthen my credits in the area of Psychology; and prepare me in my goals to help couples have more fulfilling relationships. I say I can study what I want but I am working with a teacher that must approve my study and will critiquing my ability to learn independently in my transcript also. This is a very fun way to learn but it also involves a lot of self discipline and motivation. I have explored a number of topics that may or may not relate to my goals as a relationship therapist, for instance…..

*Children and nature- your first study teachers encourage students to learn about something fun and I choose this. I got very hands on with this one and raised butterflies, worms, and plants with 5 children. I read books that related to the psychological effects of children experiencing natural process. I also wrote a very neat essay about my personal experience with kids over the semester.

* Small business management- I also sell sex toys on the side and although I was expecting it to be a small thing it kept getting bigger. I wrote a business plan read books about marketing and doing your own book work. I hope to work this business into my education. I do in home parties in the evening and make a good amount of money for the time I invest so it was great to use school to strengthen my business.

Motherhood thru memior- I was pregnant for this semester and I wanted to concentrate on Post Partum depression because many new parents can work thru these common emotions people often have after a new baby arrives. I read books by woman and fathers who were somehow impacted by this form of depression and I also read books by well known psychologist who specialize in this.

*Intersex and gender- One in every two thousand babies in America is born with genitalia that doesn’t exactly conform to the standards applied to their gender. Micro penis or enlarged clitoris, many forms of intersex attributes can surface on a number of different levels. A woman can appear completely normal on the outside but when having troubles conceiving a child doctors find she had male internal organs and female external organs. A man could be completely normal but be labeled intersexed do to his penis size not measuring up at birth? I read a wide range of books and included a large section of material that overviewed sociology and the gender assumptions that are applied to us from the moment of birth. This was a loaded semester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Self explorative therapy- I think an important part of helping people is allowing them to get to know themselves better. I myself find art, writing, and gardening to be very therapeutic. I wanted to know more about this and I was thrilled with my teacher for this one!! I looked at art therapy a concept that has come a long way from its origins of being used to diagnose mentally ill patients. A more modern form of art therapy allows the process of creating the art to be therapeutic. The end product is often not relevant to the therapist but more to the patient. I read a wide range of books on various forms of therapy that is far from conventional. I hate “couch therapy”.

So that leaves me with three more semesters to go. I think I’m wide open with the exception of math credits, I can get that through a seminar, and we have a separate class a teacher coordinates. I have so many ideas but I don’t know what to study and I sometimes don’t like that I only go to school twice a month and we all study different things.

Whatever I choose I’m sure I will be here looking for someone who wants to talk about what I’m learningJ Might as well see what you guys would be interested in.
Can you post some pics of your sex toys....I might be interested:hump:


Well-Known Member
i love your pic stoners with guns .... even though your name is a bit strange:)
He builds some real neat wood stoves also wish i could get one but shiping a cast iron stove across country may be a bit much.

Thats great bongspit, sounds like fun! My hubby and i are into building trucks for the mud also, I have a 1981 AMC Eagle that will be pimped out someday and as tempting as it is to put it in the mud id rather drive the hog!!! Its a little four banger four speed Bright yellow. One of the very few i ever found that was standard!!!!!!
The hubby also has a 1942 Olds v8 hydromatic its a piece but it runs! Needs some love and care and he wants that to be his project once our kids get a bit older


Well-Known Member
o zeke whats up, sorry but i cant do that type of business here on rollitup, silly:).........but im sure you would be interested Im sure you could find a consultant in the area that does parties you could have a party and get free shit depending on how much your party sells.


Well-Known Member
Right now im in college for computers [networking]

Once i finish this ill be going for health

If theres any computer courses there i really would suggest takeing atleast 1


New Member
Small business management or Self explorative therapy are the practical choises because they relate to your future goals so directly.

good luck.


New Member
i love your pic stoners with guns .... even though your name is a bit strange:)
He builds some real neat wood stoves also wish i could get one but shiping a cast iron stove across country may be a bit much.

Thats great bongspit, sounds like fun! My hubby and i are into building trucks for the mud also, I have a 1981 AMC Eagle that will be pimped out someday and as tempting as it is to put it in the mud id rather drive the hog!!! Its a little four banger four speed Bright yellow. One of the very few i ever found that was standard!!!!!!
The hubby also has a 1942 Olds v8 hydromatic its a piece but it runs! Needs some love and care and he wants that to be his project once our kids get a bit older
that 1942 olds sounds pretty cool...I love the old ones...


Well-Known Member
those are the things i have already studied i will post some ideas of what i want to study after i got to the post office the bank and do my books for january


Well-Known Member
Well i have been reading a book called Toxic Psychiatry..... all this info the major drug companies and doctors dont want us to know is amazing.

i will read more about the topic and try to find a few more books before i am sure but I think i will concentrate on pharmaceutical's in some way.