What To Rent On Netflix?


Well-Known Member
fuck too bad bridesmaids isnt out yet... i dont care if your a girl or a guy, that movie will CRACK YOU UP. its like the hangover, but made for girls... its still hilarious though either way


Well-Known Member
Watch "Where the Buffalo Roam" if you want to laugh, "Oldboy" if you want to gasp or "The Three Amigos" if you want to feel nostalgic.


Well-Known Member
fuck netflix lol
type: watch (movie name) online in google and you can watch it online for free.
Or just download it with a torrent and with fios that shit takes like 10 minutes a gigabyte.

Im loving fios over dsl its so much faster.
Dots approves of fios,make the switch lol.


Well-Known Member
i got net-flix on my xbox360 :) but still got to order some dvd's sometimes from them LOL but still net flix is great
me too man. what games do you play? i've been playing left 4 dead 2 online for about amonth since i got an xbox again and got on live. add me if ya want, my screen name is:jonnybags69

:peace: :weed: