What to expect from your first mushroom trip/use

Good to know
I'd rather go lighter and go for a walk in the woods with close friends. I don't want a bad trip. I recently had a terrible experience with edibles. Partially my fault Partially their fault for not explaining the strength of them.
Oh well lesson learned.

What mushroom strain would be best?
psilocybin semilanceata?
:lol: you better tread lightly then. You don't get to decide if you're going to have a bad trip. Sometimes a bad trip is what you get, sometimes it's exactly what is needed. So a small dose isn't exactly what you want the first time. Have the experience. It is the only drug experience you should have before you die. Psychedelics are different. The other stuff is fun, these things runs deeper. If you think you can't handle a bad trip, you better not get buckled in for the ride. It may take you to a personal hellscape. And you may deserve that. That could be what you need for growing as a person. It aint all care bears and rainbows. There are demons and rivers of blood too.
What is the strength of the mushrooms you can get? Hard to say, huh? 2g can be weak. 2g can be crazy. Cubes are probably easiest to get. If you can DIY, then the choice is yours. The experience is basically the same. Inward or outward. You are caught in the spiraling loop.
:lol: you better tread lightly then. You don't get to decide if you're going to have a bad trip. Sometimes a bad trip is what you get, sometimes it's exactly what is needed. So a small dose isn't exactly what you want the first time. Have the experience. It is the only drug experience you should have before you die. Psychedelics are different. The other stuff is fun, these things runs deeper. If you think you can't handle a bad trip, you better not get buckled in for the ride. It may take you to a personal hellscape. And you may deserve that. That could be what you need for growing as a person. It aint all care bears and rainbows. There are demons and rivers of blood too.
What is the strength of the mushrooms you can get? Hard to say, huh? 2g can be weak. 2g can be crazy. Cubes are probably easiest to get. If you can DIY, then the choice is yours. The experience is basically the same. Inward or outward. You are caught in the spiraling loop.
That makes sense. I had a hell of a high with those edibles. I realized some shit too. So it wasn't all bad. The next day when I woke up it was awful, but I needed to realize dome things in my life and being that ridiculously high helped me see it. I do realize that shrooms will likely be much different.

I have been curious about mushrooms for a long time. And that does make sense. If I was to start having a bad trip I'm sure I could handle it. You just gotta push through.

Thanks for the insight!
The first time I ate them was back I High School. We cut class and drove to Tillamook on the Oregon coast. We got chased out of a couple pastures but still ended up with grocery bags full of liberty caps. I ate a couple handfuls and they sure tasted nasty. Got really tripped out. Picked them for years. We'd have Tea Parties and stay up all night tripping. I couldn't imagine eating those things anymore. But it was fun back in the day.
If you have a bad trip it’s usually due to having some personal stuff to work out. I always compare it to getting a bad tooth pulled, but for your soul. It’s fucking brutal but once it’s over you feel so much better.

A lot of people go into psychedelics with the same mindset as kicking back and drinking some beers. That’d not what they are, you should look at it similarly to going skydiving. It’s gonna be intense and kind of scary but also amazing.

A lot of people use drugs to numb feelings or just tune out and relax for a while. Mushrooms are the opposite of that and I think that’s what causes a lot of people to have uncomfortable trips. Higher dose psychedelics are not going to be relaxing.
If you have a bad trip it’s usually due to having some personal stuff to work out. I always compare it to getting a bad tooth pulled, but for your soul. It’s fucking brutal but once it’s over you feel so much better.

A lot of people go into psychedelics with the same mindset as kicking back and drinking some beers. That’d not what they are, you should look at it similarly to going skydiving. It’s gonna be intense and kind of scary but also amazing.

A lot of people use drugs to numb feelings or just tune out and relax for a while. Mushrooms are the opposite of that and I think that’s what causes a lot of people to have uncomfortable trips. Higher dose psychedelics are not going to be relaxing.
I've heard similar stuff.
Good for the soul ETC. For myself and my SO mushrooms is as far as we will go. I know I have some self work to do and hell maybe shrooms will help with that.

Shit sometimes I'll smoke by myself and just go on a walk. Usually those are great highs. You realize shit. Or even just have a nice walk while High and let all your stress melt away. Some days thats all you need. It sounds like shrooms might do me some good. At least once.
Good to know
I'd rather go lighter and go for a walk in the woods with close friends. I don't want a bad trip. I recently had a terrible experience with edibles. Partially my fault Partially their fault for not explaining the strength of them.
Oh well lesson learned.

What mushroom strain would be best?
psilocybin semilanceata?
B+ and/or Golden Teachers are easy to grow (don't need major temp changes to trigger fruiting) are beautiful and will fuck you up if you choose that route. I agree with Pj, I'd go 1.5/2 grams to start.

Edited to add that if you're not growing them it might be hard to get a name of them if you buy. We always got "oregon blues" when i bought them 90's/2000's. Probably a generic term
If you have a bad trip it’s usually due to having some personal stuff to work out. I always compare it to getting a bad tooth pulled, but for your soul. It’s fucking brutal but once it’s over you feel so much better.

A lot of people go into psychedelics with the same mindset as kicking back and drinking some beers. That’d not what they are, you should look at it similarly to going skydiving. It’s gonna be intense and kind of scary but also amazing.

A lot of people use drugs to numb feelings or just tune out and relax for a while. Mushrooms are the opposite of that and I think that’s what causes a lot of people to have uncomfortable trips. Higher dose psychedelics are not going to be relaxing.

Good advice.

I never had a bad trip on mushrooms. LSD was another story.

A word of caution for anyone that's never eaten psychedelics like mushrooms. Make sure you're somewhere you don't have to leave for awhile. Don't take them and go to the club with your buddies until you've tried them a couple times and know if you can handle it. You do not want to be out in public freaking out.
If you are going to use and enjoy psychedelics here are a couple things to consider.


Set/mindset: its best to go into any experience with a positive mindset. I don’t suggest tripping if you’ve been having a shitty week and life is beating you down so your feeling low. Psychedelics aren’t going to automatically be fun and make you feel better. They will usually magnify however you are already feeling and thinking. So starting off with a positive mindset will prime your brain and body to have a good experience.

Setting: This is equally as important. Especially when you are first learning about these drugs it’s important to have a safe comfortable setting. I agree with @xtsho mushrooms especially in my experience are not a fun go to the club drug. They are better enjoyed at home with some music, Art, maybe movies. I try to have some activities available and some healthy snacks like fruits and cold water. Taking walks in nature can be great, just be safe and smart. Getting hurt in the woods on drugs would not be fun….. As a general rule I encourage new trippers to avoid other people. Interacting with others can be a strange experience. Once you understand the feelings you get from the drugs you’ll know how well you can handle outside influences.

Intention: this ties in with mindset, it’s valuable to go into any trip mentally prepared. Having an intention in mind when going into a trip can help you have a focus and enjoy the experience. Sometimes you may be using the experience to try to heal or open your mind to a new path in life. Some times you may be connecting with a partner intimately. Some times you might just wanna have some laughs and enjoy some movies and fun. Whatever the case having an intention in mind offers you a centering point if you start to get lost on your trip.

Dosage: This is last but not least. I’ve eaten more varieties of mushrooms then I can count. I havnt really found significantly different trips based on the type of mushroom, but I also havnt eaten large doses of all of them. However different types definitely have varying amounts of psilocybin in them which will make your experience change depending on the actual dosage taken.

Like others have said with a cubensis type mushroom starting off with 1.5-2g dried is a solid starting point. You won’t likely “trip” hard at that dosage but you should get a solid feel for the effects at that level.

I find that 3.5-4g dried provides a pretty fun and effective trip experience. It will likely have a few intense moments but they will pass with that wave or effects.

Dosages above that…. Well you never know till you try it… I’ve eaten 7+g twice and it changed my life to say the least. These days I grow mushrooms but rarely eat more then 2g. I actually really enjoy regularly micro dosing with only .2g it brightens the day and mellows out the aches of age.
Yes I would recommend psilocybin semilanceata (liberty caps)
Some of the best nights I've ever had was high on mushrooms.
Like xtsho me and my buddy's would pick bags of them then stay up all night tripping out on mushrooms... Great!
If you are going to use and enjoy psychedelics here are a couple things to consider.


Set/mindset: its best to go into any experience with a positive mindset. I don’t suggest tripping if you’ve been having a shitty week and life is beating you down so your feeling low. Psychedelics aren’t going to automatically be fun and make you feel better. They will usually magnify however you are already feeling and thinking. So starting off with a positive mindset will prime your brain and body to have a good experience.

Setting: This is equally as important. Especially when you are first learning about these drugs it’s important to have a safe comfortable setting. I agree with @xtsho mushrooms especially in my experience are not a fun go to the club drug. They are better enjoyed at home with some music, Art, maybe movies. I try to have some activities available and some healthy snacks like fruits and cold water. Taking walks in nature can be great, just be safe and smart. Getting hurt in the woods on drugs would not be fun….. As a general rule I encourage new trippers to avoid other people. Interacting with others can be a strange experience. Once you understand the feelings you get from the drugs you’ll know how well you can handle outside influences.

Intention: this ties in with mindset, it’s valuable to go into any trip mentally prepared. Having an intention in mind when going into a trip can help you have a focus and enjoy the experience. Sometimes you may be using the experience to try to heal or open your mind to a new path in life. Some times you may be connecting with a partner intimately. Some times you might just wanna have some laughs and enjoy some movies and fun. Whatever the case having an intention in mind offers you a centering point if you start to get lost on your trip.

Dosage: This is last but not least. I’ve eaten more varieties of mushrooms then I can count. I havnt really found significantly different trips based on the type of mushroom, but I also havnt eaten large doses of all of them. However different types definitely have varying amounts of psilocybin in them which will make your experience change depending on the actual dosage taken.

Like others have said with a cubensis type mushroom starting off with 1.5-2g dried is a solid starting point. You won’t likely “trip” hard at that dosage but you should get a solid feel for the effects at that level.

I find that 3.5-4g dried provides a pretty fun and effective trip experience. It will likely have a few intense moments but they will pass with that wave or effects.

Dosages above that…. Well you never know till you try it… I’ve eaten 7+g twice and it changed my life to say the least. These days I grow mushrooms but rarely eat more then 2g. I actually really enjoy regularly micro dosing with only .2g it brightens the day and mellows out the aches of age.
Thank you very much for that info. Very informative!
I will keep all that in mind.
its best to start off with a low dose when tripping with mushrooms, the only thing with shrooms is one shroom will be stronger or weaker then another. you can have one liberty cap thats 10 x stronger then another. i usualy start off with 10 liberty caps and work my way up to a decent trip.
i used to take about 25 shrooms at a time and just top up when and if the need arose and bad trips just happen sometimes, your best off tripping in a controled enviroment to begin with. say your bedroom /front room/ house/flat. have some good music, good friends. coloured light bulbs are cool. get some pens and pencils ready with paper in case the mood takes you to be artistic, some musical instraments and a tape recorder are col too if your musicly inclned.
not for everyone, but i used to keep some speed on hand just in case the trip went pear shaped, it lifts you away from the trip and back to a kind of sane reality. some people use vitamin c to stop a trip, but i cant say if that works or its just bro science
should you start to expeiance negative effects, just remember its not real, untill you become more familiar with halucinogens and the asociatd experiances that come with tripping and opening the doors of perception, that will do.
it may be benaficial to have someone with experiace with tripping with you to help guide you through a trip, it realy helps and benafits you whilst trippijng, at least thats been my experiance
Wise man once say:

If your not scared that you took too much, you did not take enough.

With that said, my favorite way to eat shrooms is to eat them slow, and over time But at a high dose.

I like to usually get a quarter of shrooms, and slowly eat them over the course of an hour. Halfway through i usually start tripping so i can eat them faster or slower depending on how strong they are.

This is how ive gotten my most visually beautiful, comfortable yet intense trips.
Good to know
I'd rather go lighter and go for a walk in the woods with close friends. I don't want a bad trip. I recently had a terrible experience with edibles. Partially my fault Partially their fault for not explaining the strength of them.
Oh well lesson learned.

What mushroom strain would be best?
psilocybin semilanceata?
A “bad” trip is just an overwhelming trip. Keep in mind that Psilocybin is a toxin; consuming too much will put you on your tits. You don’t want a heroic dose especially the first time. Take 3-4 small fruits to begin with and the fresher they are the better. Two caps and a stem is like the minimum dose and you will barely feel that.
Before I tried growing I always got shrooms from random wooks but I find them much more enjoyable fresh from my garden or brewed into a tea with some lemon. Best way IMO is to drink them in a tea because then you avoid stomach irritation or nausea; I’ve never had an issue with that but the wife does. Although many a dried shroom has triggered my gag reflex. Cold beer usually helps wash it down. If you must eat them dry potato chips, Doritos, or fries what have you that is salty kills the nasty taste. Tea is much easier to get down and goes to work in 30 mins or so.
Cubensis are fairly easy to grow and are mild enough. I would start with those. Shrooms are not as much of a commitment as LSD; 4 hrs tops. They can make you sleepy towards the end if you do a lot but taking more before they get to that point usually prolongs your trip.
I didn't get shit! Aside from queasy. I did feel like maybe I had smoked too much weed then when I closed my eyes. No color, no swirls, definitely no giggles, all I saw were two darker than black pits. And I felt inexplicably angry. Definitely not what I was expecting. This was on 1 dry gram of penis envy.

Take more maybe, but not everyone gets the same ammount of visuals. Visuals are not the "trip" either btw. The trip is what goes on in your head. People just usually describe the visuals, because it's easier. It's easy to say I saw my stairs detached from the floor and waving around like they were liquid. It's much harder to describe the weird shit going on in my mind.