What to do ???


Active Member
Saturday my apartment complex was raided & my plants were 2 to 3 weeks away from harvest, they only had a slight dusting on the buds, not really full crystals yet. Now some have told me to make ISO hash, or butter. I have wanted to make butter for quite some time, but will either the butter or iso hash b a waste of time since my plants wernt ready to harvest ??? Also is there much smell making either one of these ??? My landlord is still on the war path, & the cops r still making regular runs through the complex so Im not willing to violate my tail again. What r some good options if any ??? Thanks


Well-Known Member
u have 3 choices
u can take the bud and soak it in some strong shine (vodka everclear) ( will get the taste of the flowers and take the thc off it and flaots inside) u let that slowly evoporate and u have hash oil

hash butter u can use the same butter and just strain it out and add fresh flowers in to increase the thc in it but u will have less then u should at the end

the ice hash i think the effort it takes to do it with a lower thc u think u have would not be worth it


Well-Known Member
just BHO it you will get every bit of resin out
use anything that has crystals on it
i ended up with a little less than 6 g's from a himalaya blue diesel about 3 weeks early
it wont be amazing but it will more then get the job done
honestly smoking the buds and water leaves would probably get you toasted that close to harvest

and no smell really other then butane


Well-Known Member
and BHO is one way to make butter its easy plenty of videos on youtube
how was the raid tied to you ?
who knows your situation?
and hopefully you cut the plants down
as soon as the plants are chopped
you are minus one cultivation charge i would eliminate any scales if you have any
this is evidence of distribution even if used for personal
lights are legal but the root balls need to be disposed of
and not in the garbage throw nothing involved with growing away EVER!!
burn it in the bar b q pit if you have to
the trash cans are being watched more then likely


Well-Known Member
but the shine is so much better ...............u make it up u fill a flask and u have oh shit medince ............u know stuck on the side of the road and have to walk oh shit ............or even better the cops are there oh shit u can drink but u can not smoke this method is best of both world

plus u give it to ppl that say oh yah i can handle it 2 shots they are on the floor unable to stand up for the next 2 hours


Active Member
I have been looking at the ones that u boil in water then add butter & buds then cool, eat & enjoy. Then I was told I could use the remains from making the butter to do the iso hash. Hell I have never done anything but grow smoke & sell the shit & I haven't done any of that since the late 70's so I really don't know shit cause this has all changed dramatacly since my day. I just don't need to take any more chances after the apartment getting raided thanks to all the meth freaks screwing it up for all us poor old vets. I don't want to start cooking butter & having my landlord or the cops smelling it when they make their rounds. Really I think its time to move if I could find something as cheap as Im paying now just wont happen.


Well-Known Member
smell i have the method

burn a dinner fish shrimp something that is little off so what ever u do will just blend in

classic excuse i ran out to the store for something and i put on low heat sorry guys the smell will be gone in couple of day ........then hook the cool ppl up with some good cookies/brownies


Active Member
Im not much of a drinker unless its Heineken, but the edibles I have been dying to try so really wanted to try making butter. Then my landlord or the cops wont know squat & I can enjoy. The last few months have been rough on my gardens so I think someonr is trying to tell me something, either quit or move & Im leaning towards the move


Well-Known Member
i would just go and do some random acts of kindness to some ppl and rebuild the karma

think about it the cops could have hit u too from the smell but something covered your ass u just cashed in a huge karma cookie if u do some nice things for random ppl it will return build up and all will be well

u and the landlord are cool u keep your stuff on the downlow..............if u are worried u can always go offsite for the grow

( my own area i know of 4 area that will get 12 hours of direct sun light and access to them is very easy ( some are side lots that have trees growing to be sold off ...one is next to highway ......one is a crop of rocks i know in a feild soybean this year.....and i know of several houses that are empty and well back yard is open )

a good trick is go to a old hunting stand u know no one uses and use that ....trim the top of the trees to get light and u are off ground animals can not get and just need to bug proof if in area with good rain then u set up a drip feed with gallon water jugs