yah, there is alot that you can do with them.. its a shame to just toss them.. since you don't like the idea of using solvents, you could try and make some ice hash, but for this you will need some bubble bags.. they do have some fairly cheap ones online if you look around enough..
i made my first batch of qwiso last year, and i too was super nervous as i have caught on fire at a job as a result of solvents, so i know how you feel... but you can make isoprypol washed hash fairly savely if you don't use any heat to evaporate the solvents off with... you can just fill say a mason jar with the leaves and trim and cover the leaves with 91% iso alcohol.. shake it for around thirty seconds or so.. not too long or you will end up with too much plant matter in the hash... next you strain off the liquid from the trim. you can use either say a panty hose or a paper coffee filter.. pour the liquid into a large flat bottom dish... now the fast way, but also the more dangerous route, is to cook off the alcohol, which im also very nervous doing... but there is another way that is much safer and doesn't require and heat... just take the dish with the alcohol in it, and sit it outdoors somewhere nice and safe away from any flames or heat sources.. it will take much longer, but the alcohol will evaporate on its own.. once it does, you will be left witht a sticky substance on the bottom of the dish that is a like caramel color.. take a razor blade and scrape this all up.. this will be your hash.. its more of an amber color actually... i like to make a nice ball out of it and sit it in the sun for a few more days to make sure all solvents are out of it... after that, smoke and enjoy..
if you want to go with the bubble bags route, there are tons of videos on you tube that show you how to do so, and im sure directions would come with the bags, but it basically just involves using ice and water and the bags.. fill the bags with ice and water and stir stir stir, and stir some more.. the ice causes the thc to seperate from the trim, and it gets collected in the bags.. there are different sized bags that have different screen sizes.. so some of the bags will contain better grade hash than the others..