What to do with rippers


Active Member
This year I heard alot of people were going to rip my first grow, thankfully my father and I pulled our plants before they could.

This is very depressing and I would like to know if anyone can share there tricks.
I plan on spending 200$ just on plants that grow like vines to help cover my grow, and lights but I'm still up at night worring. I live in Cali and have my card so I'm not breaking any laws by growing but I'm still scared.


Well-Known Member
Find a secure spot and tell no one. I was in a pub once and saw a lovely fish mounted to the wall when i pointed it out to my uncle he asked do i know why that fish got caught...said no to which he replied because it opened its mouth


I take razor blades and cut small slits in the base of the stalk early on in the life of the plant and then put the razor blades in the slits, sharp side out. You will be able to notice who pulled your plants because there hand/hands will be cut up for a while


Active Member
I didnt tell anyone this year but word spreads after harvest and kinda made me a future target :o


Well-Known Member
Big dog..razor wire with bells on it...security cam..pet geese..lots of stuff..