What to do with male plants???


Well-Known Member
My kitty gets first crack at males and hermies, it keeps her out of the grow room. When she has access to her own weed, the thrill is gone as far as sneaking into the grow room. After she mauls them they usually go to the compost bin.

However, I have grown males out many times. Usually to collect pollen, but more than once have I done it just to educate myself on the male growth cycle. I will especially do it if I am growing a new or unfamiliar strain.

I have also been known to take them outside and then forget about them, LOL! Males are easy because you can abuse the hell out of them and they will still flower.


Well-Known Member
Hermaphrodism is a common trait in dioecious plants. Either sex can hermie.

Most people are unfamiliar with the male version because we growers are so ruthless when it comes to males. As such, most males never get the opportunity to go hermie.

I'll track down where I read that and let you know.

If I had seen your thread, I would have chimed in.

males produce more seeds then females by far i know this for a fact i don't need to read on any further. I have been to a field where plants grow wild an the males never get picked you go up to the males, and you can sit their for hours picking seeds out of the pods... agreed with this guy males don't usually get the chance to produce them because they ruin your females
males produce more seeds then females by far i know this for a fact i don't need to read on any further. I have been to a field where plants grow wild an the males never get picked you go up to the males, and you can sit their for hours picking seeds out of the pods... agreed with this guy males don't usually get the chance to produce them because they ruin your females

sorry to inform you but males don't produce any seeds at all