what to do with Gangster Deer?


Well-Known Member
Well being eaten by animals is my biggest worry. Even more so than being spotted by humans. I think I'm gonna go all out this year with soap, moth balls, and the fishing line fence thing. Anyone have any thoughts about pepper? I have an old bottle of pepper spray in my car that I might spray around the site, while hopefully not spraying myself haha. It's probably a good idea for me to carry it anyway because when I was out scouting the other day I saw fresh black bear tracks about 6" wide! I always knew there were bear around here and I've seen them a few times in the woods growing up and they always turned tail and ran. But I have to admit that the size and freshness of these tracks freaked me out a little. I've also read articles here about people making a cayenne pepper and water solution and actually spraying it ON their plants. I dunno if directly on the plants would hurt them but around the perimeter might be a good idea.
I once made a concotion of the hot pepper spray. "If" it works, it is very short term. Again, use the "Deer Off" and similar products.......has coyote piss, etc. Also, product will not hurt plants, but will need to be re-sprayed every few weeks.


they sell stuff you can spray the 2 i know of are liquid fence an deer off.. i know you can get liquid fence at home depot, they both have very good reviews, maybe give it a whirl... 10-20 bucks worth a try..


Well-Known Member
i had a guy give me kind of a smart ass answer one time. he said plant your plants into the top of trees in tree stands..i was thinking damn how would you get great big plants into the top of a tree mount it get dirt up to it and water it?
mounting your plants into tree?
alot of tree stands are not to expensive. how much weight will they hold?
you can puchase like 20 plus gallon grow bags that would be easy to carry into the woods. carry most everything you need in a sack along with a fishing pole incase you run into any game wardens,(make sure you have a fishing license )a rope and a five gallon collapsible bucket.a fold up military shovel and a small hand saw. you could mount the tree stand into a tree it would make it hard to see from the ground and no critters could eat your plant other than a coon or possum .dig out the local earth put it into the five gallon collapsible bucket and pull it up the tree and put it into the container.with modern hunting equipment the trees would be easy to climb. you would have to be set up near a lake or river. your plants would be really hard to detect by anyone and the deer couldnt get to them.


Active Member
fishing line around your grow... deer get scared of shit that touvh em and cant see.... coyote piss socked rag, or sock..... fox urine also works.... most predater urine or even feces will work....... also you can set traps
thats what im going to use have read everywhere that fishing line chest high on the deer will stop them soon as they bump it they turn around


Well-Known Member
thats what im going to use have read everywhere that fishing line chest high on the deer will stop them soon as they bump it they turn around
that only works on some deer. it really depends on how hungry they are. there not that stupid once they realize that its nothing more than a string they will go threw it and eat your hemp products. and i donno why deer like pot so much. i just put a fence up. but that takes alot of time to do. best case put your plants up some trees with a rope pully no one would really pay attention and squarrls and what not don't really like pot.


Well-Known Member
well. i hope those cages work. if not i got a nice flashlight mounted on my rifle and a food dehydrator. Deer jerky anyone?


Active Member
I'd say go to a garden center/store. There are a few companies who sell spray that keeps deer/other animals off. I've used 2 different sprays (one was $15/bottle, one $30) and they both worked great. Im in an area with tons of deer and they're also not scared of humans. I have to spray every 1-2 weeks or they will eat the new growth. By about 2 weeks into flowering they don't seem interested anymore.

Last year I ran into a problem near the end of flowering. A moose came in and ate half of my plants. Had never experienced this before so now I have a new problem to deal with.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
get fencing supplies, and put it up around your garden... deer solved.. thats probably the easiest way... ive tried piss, hair, dog hair, sprays, fishing line.. and every year ive had plants eaten until i put up a physical barrier around the plants