What to do with a male plant outside in rain?

I was wondering if a male is outside and rained on, if the pollen is usable after? I don't have any experience growing, but thought since I have it I could save some in the freezer if I want to make my own seeds. I read that water kills pollen, but also read you should let pollen dry before storing it. Figured the unopened sacks will have rain soak through it a bit.
Last thing I want to note, I had an extra germinated seed I threw outside, but didn't quite know the latest time I could grow outside. It was placed in soil on July 7th. It started growing very slow and small, but I moved it to a bit sunnier spot and it grew about 3 feet tall with a decent amount of pollen sacks. Is there a best time to start collecting pollen? or is it viable at any stage of maturity if dropping pollen?
Any other tips on what I can do with it would be great too. Thanks in advance :)

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the un opened sacs will be viable, anything that's already fallen and gotten wet is trash.
put a couple of pieces of cardboard under the plant and shake the shit out of it, then brush up the fallen pollen, put it in a container with some desiccant beads, and store it in the fridge. should stay good for at least a year as long as you don't fool with it till you want to use it.


Well-Known Member
the un opened sacs will be viable, anything that's already fallen and gotten wet is trash.
put a couple of pieces of cardboard under the plant and shake the shit out of it, then brush up the fallen pollen, put it in a container with some desiccant beads, and store it in the fridge. should stay good for at least a year as long as you don't fool with it till you want to use it.
Well said bro

U can also take a few smaller branches and bring inside,put in a vase of water next to a window and put foil/newspaper/parchiment paper around the vase,and catch and save the fallen pollen
Awsome, my intention was to put it in the freezer with the desiccant beads in an air proof container which I'm still not 100% on everything that is air proof. Heard contact lense cases work great. Much appreciated, thanks again :)

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Awsome, my intention was to put it in the freezer with the desiccant beads in an air proof container which I'm still not 100% on everything that is air proof. Heard contact lense cases work great. Much appreciated, thanks again :)
the only problem i have with the freezer is condensation when you take stuff out. if you put it in the freezer, make damn sure your container is airtight, and let it set out over night to reach room temp before you open it.
Good point, did see a video from a licensed grower too & he said you shouldn't put the container back in the freezer after using any pollen. Thanks bionic too, forgot to say that's a nice idea :).


Well-Known Member
Put pollen in the fridge loosly wrapped in foil for a few days to dry out pollen before you freeze it
If you dont the pollen wont be viable,if you do then freeze it could last over a year