what to do with a hermi?? plz help!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi all, ok I'm really gutted just now. I just went to feed my girls and was looking them over,my pineapple Thai has been flowering for 6weeks and I just noticed what looks like bunches of grapes in the buds on 3 of the lower branches. I pulled a few off and they had tiny little immature seeds in side them and others were just empty and full of air. So here's where u all come in !! What do I do do I cut my losses and cut that fucker down. Or let it keep growing and risk having my other strains pollinated by this one??? I feel really dis-heartned as I vegged this plant for 3 months and it's been flowering for just about 6 weeks so it's likeable that time has gone to waste. Its nothing I've done that's caused this, there's no light leaks my temps are good RH is good and she's nit been stressed in any way. All suggestions are greatly appreciated. CG
P.s I'm on my fone just now so can't upload pics sorry.


Well-Known Member
There's only one solution...cut it or it'll pollenize your other plants & your patch will end-up fully seeded

Garden weeds

Active Member
on the phone to me? haha, well sorry to hear this mate all that time gone to waste but hey at least u got your other beautys. make some nice butter with it matey... :)


Well-Known Member
First, go to your nearest gas station, buy 1 gallon of gasoline, it only costs yeh the fair olde price of $4.56 a gallon laddy. Then proceed to your cannabis lair, rip the fucker out by the rootball, get a ladder and climb on top of your roof.Then place the plant on a stable surface and thoroughly douse it in gasoline. Make sure some gets on the roof too. Then light a match and laugh as "IT" suffers in pain. Dont worry, your house will burn down and it will be sterilized so you dont have any pollen to worry about. Works great to keep them theres pollens outa your grows.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Pineapple Thai is a notorious herm. Usually ( always ) they will produce male parts around week 8-9 regardless of conditions. Heat, over 85 deg. will cause them to herm immediatly.


Well-Known Member
your 6 weeks in to flower so just pull them off and keep an eye on them . pics help for sure ;-)


Well-Known Member
Sorry plantz man, as u can imagine I'm a wee bit pissed off. I just cut the sheman down didn't want to risk my others.Fuck it looks like I'll be munching some canna cookies tmoro! Thanks everyone!!!