what to do when you got the ganja blues?


Active Member
So how many of you find that you are the only one in a certain group of friends that smokes everyone out?

It wouldn't be as big of a deal once I finish my first grow... so I guess I won't get much pity from the RIU people but I just needed to vent somewhere. :cuss:

I have other friends that consistently get good bud but so many of them have gone off to other colleges that I have been hanging around some major scavengers. I'm about to just stop hanging around them all together because every time I'm dry (the past week or so) none of these mother fuckers will ever get any bud. they still call to hang out, but it seems like they just have no common weed courtesy. I have the ganja blues and none of them can help me out. It sucks because they're not bad people, just always expect to have weed around and not buy it. I'm tired of every few weeks going through the mild weed withdraws like being easily irritated and getting less sleep. and they wonder what's wrong when the hit a nerve asking for a smoke sesh or some thing when they know i've been out I just feel sayin:finger: and ...

I just need some friends that know what's up:leaf: thats all.


Well-Known Member
have you tried just telling them to buy weed instead of you always supplying it.my rule was if they cant match or smoke me up a couple times a week then they arent hitting off mine cause it sounds like there just mooching off you.


Well-Known Member
I had some friends once, I hooked them up both got them a bag, plus a bag for me, and stayed over at one of their houses. The whole time all we did was smoke out of my bag, I asked em "hey why don't you dip into your bag and match a couple bowls" and they said some lame excuse like "well we're saving it for tomarrow" or some BS.

needless to say they arn't my friends today, but back then I still smoked them out after that. they probly got me high like 2 times.

point is people will take advantage of you if you let them. next time you get some take out just a bowl and hide the rest and tell them thats all you got, or just tell them to go fuck themselves.


dude... weed is a social thing.. you smoke it to socialize with people (sometimes you dont) but theres a line, if they keep saying they're saving it till tomorrow fuck them. The way we did it, if you had something to bring to the table then you got in on everyones bud. If you didnt have anything to bring to the table you didnt get to get high. Worked quite well if I may say so myself :)
I agree with all this. If these kids wants the true smoke experience they need to learn some courtesy. Tell them to pick up the next bag, or at least to throw down 5 to get into it, that's my rule when I smoke up all my friends. When I have money I smoke them up, and they return the favor.