What to do if you have light stress in week 5 of bloom?

Plain water will not cause problems. What causes problems are foliar sprays that contain other substances. Some can cause phytotoxicity.

As for that article from Maximum Yield, it's pretty vague but does say "Foliar Sprays". Think something like neem oil or other pesticides, fertilizers, etc... in the foliar spray. Plain water is not going to cause an issue. It's not black or white. You could spray plain water and suffer no damage but you could also spray a citric acid/sesame oil foliar with the lights on and fry your leaves.
So many growers read some blurb online and just run with it without actually looking into it any further. That's what most of the hacks on youtube do. They hear about something from some other hack and just perpetuate the nonsense. Then you get all these clowns that worship the youtube hacks and repeat the nonsense in online forums as if it's fact. If you try and correct them and tell them they're wrong they call you a bully and threaten to tell the site administrator and get you banned.

True story.
A grow light can be more powerful than the sun? Holy shit dude you have to be trolling.

It must be those “made” in the USA ones huh? :wall:

People just repeat something they heard as if it's fact. They don't bother to even verify it. I'd like to see someone take the most powerful LED grow light and grow some of the 12 ft tall 12 ft diameter outdoor plants. Sure you can get LED's really close and fry the plants but that doesn't make them more powerful than the sun. Move the sun closer and you'll get the same result.

Apparently these clowns think comparing a light they can put a couple inches from the plants with the sun which is 93 million miles away is comparable.

I don't know what they're teaching kids these days but it's obviously not critical thinking skills. Or communication skills for that matter.


Damn I had to go back and edit the post. I was talking on the phone, typing, the dogs were barking, and the lady was yelling at me. I hope it's legible now.
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Reduce the light with distance or dimming and you will reduce the light stress. If neither of those options are available now, do it next time by growing plants smaller.