What to do about high sodium levels in well water?

Wouldn’t a good organic living type soil work it out ? Idk i got enough to worry sbout. Now your gonna have me tripping about my well lol
I am hoping so. My concern mainly stemmed from a comment I heard on a build a soil video about well tests and that a major concern can be high sodium levels. So I figured I would check with the brain trust! ;-)
A little sodium is good for plants. Maybe be careful about the extra sodium you add. Kelp meal is one of those amendments that I know has more sodium than most dry amendments.
Good call.. I had used kelp meal as a base amendment, I'll cut back and move to something else for that portion. I know a lot of folks have been moving to alternatives just due to the practices of harvesting it. Thanks!
A little sodium is good for plants. Maybe be careful about the extra sodium you add. Kelp meal is one of those amendments that I know has more sodium than most dry amendments.
Bit of a misconception to self collected seaweed and processed washed meals

Salt: Because kelp is harvested directly from the ocean, using it straight from the beach and in the garden may add additional salt, which is unhealthy for plants. Fortunately, you'd have to add a huge amount, much greater than most gardeners will ever add, for the salt to build up. Commercially prepared seaweed fertilizers do not usually pose this problem

Not so directed but knf do a salt fert that increases brix sugar levels
Fermented Sea Water
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That said the citric acid will drop the ph by reacting with carbonates and reducing calcium and lowering the ph

but to remove the sodium you need to either distill a shit ton of water or use a ro

One method for reducing sodium in water is the reverse osmosis. It reduces sodium by 94 – 98%, and achieves this by forcing water out of a semi-permeable membrane, which blocks the sodium contaminant. Distillation is another remedy for removing sodium from the water.