What to do about burnt leaf


Well-Known Member
My plant is around 2 - 3 weeks old from when it pop through the soil but it was a little to close to my light and its leaf got burnt. It is the leaf that has the big whiteish yellowish spot closest to the floor. What do i do? Just leave it be or should i cut it off? And sorry for my plant being blurry idk why everytime i take a picture of them it is blurry but not anything around it.



Well-Known Member
sometimes my leafs burn to...but i just move the light away and by the next day there green again..its not a big problem unless there like burnt to a crisp .dont trim it off let it grow..


Well-Known Member
Ight thanks man. It's been like that for 2 or 3 days i dont remember but it should be all good then. Thanks for the help.kiss-ass
use the macro setting on your camera!this will allow you to take close-ups.and as to your question....dont trim your leaves off if they are burnt,especially if they are that young you will possibley put them into shock and they will die,just let the plant keep growing as much as it will grow and like the last guy said...move the light a little further away.
but make sure that you put the light back at a more appropriate distance once your plants has recovered and has got some new sets of leaves to convert the energy needed to promote vigerous growth.i suggest that you do some more homework about growing and start out simple.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
once a leaf gets crispy, it won't be back, so cut it off. if it's just a white spot, it's probably bleaching and is no big deal, just back the light off a bit. when trimming/cutting leaves, just make sure you don't do too much at one time and you'll be good.


Well-Known Member
use the macro setting on your camera!this will allow you to take close-ups.and as to your question....dont trim your leaves off if they are burnt,especially if they are that young you will possibley put them into shock and they will die,just let the plant keep growing as much as it will grow and like the last guy said...move the light a little further away.
but make sure that you put the light back at a more appropriate distance once your plants has recovered and has got some new sets of leaves to convert the energy needed to promote vigerous growth.i suggest that you do some more homework about growing and start out simple.
Ok i'll check that macro setting out later today. That's what i thought when i first was posting this thread was that i shouldnt cut the leaves off because it is still young i also saw some where that some guy burnt his but his was basically a full grown plant. Yea i moved the light away when i first saw the burn. Yea i did some homework and im still looking for more i copied and pasted the guides on here to my computer and im putting them all together and im reading up on them and im looking up more and more everyday on here, and everyone one of those days i learn something new that i didnt know from before. Thanks for the help.

once a leaf gets crispy, it won't be back, so cut it off. if it's just a white spot, it's probably bleaching and is no big deal, just back the light off a bit. when trimming/cutting leaves, just make sure you don't do too much at one time and you'll be good.
It's not crisp just bleached. I would cut it off if it wasnt so young, but thank you for the help ^^.
Thats just the thing man..you say cut it off but the plant is still so young and very tempermental,I would leave the leaf on there and if there is any use of it still, the plant will make due.


Well-Known Member
I am leaving it on there im not going to cut it off. The leaf is still the same as when i noticed the whitish yelloish big spot on it and that leaf and the other leaf *that is paired with it i guess you would say* are both drooping downward in a C shape with the ends touching each other. It still has its green color to it *other then the spot* why are they starting to droop but the other leaves arent espeically when the light is on? Sorry for not posting a pic up i would but i just took my plant outside today and its dark now plus its a good distance to walk in the dark and across the creek lol. But tomorrow ill go out and take a picture of it and post it up here.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
man, i hate to sound like a richard, but that looks like a lost cause. 2-3 weeks old and all stretched out and displaying issues.... cull it!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Cull it? Ya i was going to ask you all about that why it was doing that because i forgot when but it was short one day and then the next day it was like 2.5'' taller then it was the day before and it was laying outside of the pot. Im just going to let it do whatever it is doing because it seems to still be growing but not as fast as it was i got another 1 that is just now having the 3rd set of leaves starting to grow:

Here is my 2 day old one and this one is the only one i havent grown in soil with yet i used jiffy greenhouse or w,e i think it is peat moss:

Do you think these 2 are lost causes?
And if they are lost causes because they are stretching out then why are they?
Every plant i tried to grow before stretched out like that.