Well-Known Member
SO! Here is the dilemma I am facing. I am leaving for Shpongle in about 9 days. However my fellow road warrior just threw some random news at me. He only has 300 bux to take...300 bux!!! Gas calculation for my car is 215 bux ONE WAY and we were going to split gas so I dunno if I should let him go? Id feel bad him spending all his $$ on gas and getting out to Denver with 85 bux to spare, I mean wtf can he do? How much fun can he have with 85 bux left to spend ya know? My dad and I want to arrive a couple days before the show and stay a day or 2 after the show, but this dude wants us to cut all that out, leave Thursday night the 8th vs tuesday night the 6th then leave sunday 11th vs monday/tuesday the 12th/13th.....wtf do I do??? This use to be my ROAD WARRIOR! We trekked all over to Tool shows in 2012 and lost our minds!!!! And I assure you he took ALOT more than 300 bux! During one span we went from Toledo to Toronto to Boston to Connecticut to NJ to VA to NC! THEN in the same year went to St Paul to catch them at Rivers Edge!! Im unsure if I can in good consciousness let my buddy go across country with 300bux in his pocket, spending over 200 on gas! I have several hot hippie chicks I met online interested in tickets and riding with...what to do! what to do!?
This is our first time out west, for both my father and I. I want to make the best of it. In my buddies own words "I'm not going out for a vacation, I'm going out for a show" I feel I should of tried to convince him right then and there it was not a good idea to go. What prompted me to ask tonight was my Ol Man feeling a bit down and out about it. Being he already took off work, hes been spending time looking things up to see/do out there. It broke my heart when he said he would rather stay home than go out there for just a show. I feel my father and I will have a much better experience. Even if its just me tripping alone at the show. SO be it. I know the memories will be better with my dad there. I'll have them the rest of my life.
We actually tripped off some acid in December and discovered Shpongle and we were BLOWN AWAY! Then BAM I bought tickets the next day! In DECEMBER GUYS! SO in my defense he did have from DECEMBER until MAY to save...how in the hell does he only have 300bux to travel across the country? Makes me feel it would be the responsible thing to do.
I was also considering using his ticket to "barter" with in the parking lot, spreading love ya know! My father is not interested in going, he more less wants to hike, check out hot springs, caves, mountains, etc etc etc and herb shops...of course lol! I feel if we do what my buddy wants it will damper both my father and I's experience having to rush rush rush.We are going in my car, however if we go on the dates my friend wants to go then my father is not going. Then its up to him and I to fund the trip and hes only taking 300bones! Gas calculation for my car, its a 07 V6 Tiburon. Traveling from damn near PA, 20+ hr drive Is over 200 bux one way, around 215 to be exact. AHHH!
This is our first time out west, for both my father and I. I want to make the best of it. In my buddies own words "I'm not going out for a vacation, I'm going out for a show" I feel I should of tried to convince him right then and there it was not a good idea to go. What prompted me to ask tonight was my Ol Man feeling a bit down and out about it. Being he already took off work, hes been spending time looking things up to see/do out there. It broke my heart when he said he would rather stay home than go out there for just a show. I feel my father and I will have a much better experience. Even if its just me tripping alone at the show. SO be it. I know the memories will be better with my dad there. I'll have them the rest of my life.
We actually tripped off some acid in December and discovered Shpongle and we were BLOWN AWAY! Then BAM I bought tickets the next day! In DECEMBER GUYS! SO in my defense he did have from DECEMBER until MAY to save...how in the hell does he only have 300bux to travel across the country? Makes me feel it would be the responsible thing to do.
I was also considering using his ticket to "barter" with in the parking lot, spreading love ya know! My father is not interested in going, he more less wants to hike, check out hot springs, caves, mountains, etc etc etc and herb shops...of course lol! I feel if we do what my buddy wants it will damper both my father and I's experience having to rush rush rush.We are going in my car, however if we go on the dates my friend wants to go then my father is not going. Then its up to him and I to fund the trip and hes only taking 300bones! Gas calculation for my car, its a 07 V6 Tiburon. Traveling from damn near PA, 20+ hr drive Is over 200 bux one way, around 215 to be exact. AHHH!