what timer do yall use for light cycles?

Im about to move my plants into flowering on a 18/6 hour schedule and was curious as to what timers yall are using to turn them on and off at the right intervals, I just bought a CAP ART DNe adjustable cycle timer but apparently didnt pay enough attention because i cant set it to 18 hours on and 6 hours off, probably something stupid on my part, whatever i needed another timer for my pumps anyway


ok when you start to grow your plant thats the vegitative stage thats when you want your lighting cycle to be on a 18/6 schedule when time to start flowering just swith it to 12 on 12off and when its off im mean off i cant stress enough you cant let any light get in when your in the flowering stage


Well-Known Member
Vegative cycle time.................... = 18 daylight.... 6 hours sleep time.
Flowering cycle time.................. = 12 daylight.... 12 hours sleep time.

You can get cheap timer from most home stores for quite cheap. but you must be weary that the fuse can overheat and blow. so have 1 or 2 spare if this happens.



Well-Known Member
dude when i started i had cheap timers ,they work well for small lights but 400w plus you need a heavy duty
i had a small one but they stick and keep going till ya thump em
so i got spa timers 40aud but these bad boys dont fuck up and can handle big watts
its not so important in veg but in flower well that another story