What time to go from seedling to vegging?


Active Member
At what point in a seedlings life is it safe to switch it from 24 hour to 18/6? Also going from ph balanced tap water to 1200ppm nutes? Seedlings are showing good root structure and have their second set of leaves coming in, have been under floros for 24hr cycle for 2 weeks.



Well-Known Member
why would you go from 24/0 to 18/6? you don't have to - you can just leave them vegging at 24/0.

after over nuting my current grow - i can safely say that using hardwater you may NEVER reach a PPM of 1200. you can slowly start adding nutes about 3 weeks into a grow (or after the 3rd or 4th node appears) but start out slowly - like PPM of 300.

this thread may help (if you are doing hydro):

Head Weeder

Active Member
IMO i would give them 2 weeks b4 you give them nutes,And then only give them 1/2 or even 1/4.I say thay are still to young to give full nutes.And one more thing you dont have to have lights no 24/7 you can go 18/6 now all that will happen is you will have maybe an x week in veg, but lec bill will be a bit less. hope that helps you.Good luck with your grow m8


Active Member
I appreciate the input, I had some seedlings that I've already started and are in week 1 of veging so I'm trying to get these younger seedlings in the main tubs to try to catch up. But I don't want to push them if they're simply not ready, right now they're about 2 weeks from germination inside one of the Rapid Rooter trays. Tonight I just mixed in 1/2 teaspoon of clonex with 6 cups of ph balanced water. The PPM was @ about 360 after having to use ph down and the small amount of clonex to help root development, haven't put any nutes in just yet. Should I go ahead and make a small mixture of something like 600ish PPM to help get them adjusted before putting them into the 1300ppm system?

It's been a while since I've done this, but I thought I remember something about 18/6 is better for veging because more growth happens at "night". These are going to be the mothers, and there's 10 of them under a T5 for now, using some homebrew aero systems.

Also, about he hard water thing... I was reading up the growfaq trying to identify a small problem the main plants seem to have. Mine have small indications of not enough Mg, and they said that this is sometimes derived from "hard" water. I had taken the suggestion of mixing in a small amount of epsom salt. I did that yesterday so still waiting to see results.