What things have happen to you at your dealers place?


Well-Known Member
i am a dealer, this wont sound fucked but it was 4 me:

o.k so back when i was bout 17(sounds so long ago, im only 18 now lol) my roomate says to me "my uncle wants 5 kilos", our second commercial grow was just done so we had 10 kilos of fresh super skunk, i says "kool bell him n tell him the price is 10gs", so he bells him and after all the talkin is done i go with the weed, bcoz id known my roomate for all our lives(same school etc etc) i didnt carry a gun, so i get there n im expectin just ur avergae joe, a lil bit wrong on my part, 1 of the biggest yardies ive eva seen was there and he says "come in sire", he leads me into the living room and i sit on the sofa, he sits on the other and he says "relax bwoi", i just sat the fuck back and hoped id melt into the chair, then 4 big yardie man walk through the door with axes and bats, my mind was racing, i thought i was gonna die, my bredrens uncle, lets call him johnson from now on, says "u ave de ting", i was like "yh corse" and i threw him the duffle bag with the weed, he opens it and just stares, no scale he just stares, he looks to his right and just nods at 1a his guys, he leaves the room and comes back with a shitty lookin tore up old ass briefcase, i open it and he shout "wya wun count or sutin, u dnt trust me" i was like, "just bussiness man", so then i say "thank you for ur bussiness gentlemen" and stand up with the case locked in my hand, he shouts "sit ur bloodclart ass down bwoi!" i slowly relaxed coz i didnt wonna look like a pussyole, so i sit and there was that awkward silence, then he throws me a blunt wrap and takes out 1 of the keys and passes it to me, he says "coz u did me dis ting for a nice price mea show u how rasta man a smoke, roll a ting bwoi", so i get out my box of fags break a lil chip and open up the cling wit the weed, i was just about to gring the weed by hand when someone throws a grinder at my head, so i use it, i roll a fat 5g blunt, spark it and pass it, he shouts "4 puff pass" and the 4 guys that were standing sit down, 2 next to me and 2 next to johnson, i take 4 and pass left, i start to untense coz this was when my grower grew for potency not expereince, so we bun the blunt and johnson shouts "another ting" so i gets to rollin and fast, we smoked the other, then he says "me like d ganja, me have special rollys from jamaica" and he gets some flavoured bob marley rizlas, i rolled fat tings bout 1 gram each and we mustve smoked bout 10, fuck knows how much time went by, all i know is i got there at day and then it was dark, then just i was about to leave i hear the door open and close, i see this buetiful girl bout 19 walk into the room looks at me and says "ur my cousins friend innit", i was just tryin to be smooth so i was like "yh, my names ......" so she looks at johnson and says "can he come wit me", he nods, she looks at me, bites her lip in that sexy way and says "come babes", johnson says, "take sum ganja an sheet wit ya", so i cupper like a q into my hand and i followed her up the stairs, we go into her room and i put the weed on the table, she turns and says "bill a quik cupl tings" i rolled 3 nice fat zoots, i turn to look at her and shes gettin undressed, im totally blazed and i literallt thought i had died and gone to heaven, she sits on the bad and tells me "come here" shes only wearing a tiny bra and a THONG, i go over and she starts unbuttoning my trousers, gives me head and we fuck.......then we bunned a zoot, put some reggea on and fucked again, we did this like 7 times till the whole q was gone, i woke up the next mornin and just went downstairs and see johnson in his lil kitchen wit a bowl of weetos and a FAT FUCKIN SPLIFF, i jus looked and said "wag1", he goes "come ere bwoi av sum breakfast u had a busy nite", his wife was just there cookin some bacon and eggs and sausages, we bunned a quik spliff and munchd, me johnson the gyal from last nite (prob his daughter neva askd) johnnys wife and some 15 yr old lil badman that went to my old skool, we talked bout ganja and spiritual shit etc etc, quite a decent convo as i remember, so after im like "i need to go but mayb sometime soon me n u shud link up n blaze again", he says "yh bwoi mea bell my netty (nephew to those who dunno)" i was like "kool, safe soon etc etc, then on my way out the gyal comes, tells me her names shantelle and gives me her numba and ses call her soon, a few days go by and she calls me and tells me she got a free yard (home alone) and asks if i wna come round, so i do and we go into her room and bang on some tunes and bun a quik ting, then we get down to the physical part, bun another 2 zoots and go again, we did it bout 4-5 times and each time it felt better, then i left after some kissing etc etc, me n her arent really bf and gf more just like she calls me or i call her, we go to each others houses, fuck and blaze, cant now coz i got a gf but shes still a regular visitor when me and my roomates blaze, and no my roomate never asks what we do.



Well-Known Member
This happened to me about 10 years ago.
And let's say my dealer's name is Joe.
Joe had to move in with his mom, because he got evicted from his apartment.
I walk in and sat on the couch while Joe was in the other room with his girlfriend.
I was sitting there for quite awhile and almost started to fall asleep. But his mom walks into the room with just a bath robe on.
She sits down directly across from me on the other couch. Then she starts flipping through the channels on the t.v.
Not even 2 minutes goes by and she's got her legs spread wide open.
Her pussy was all out in the open.
It was really difficult not to stare.
She was kind of attractive, I'd say on 1-10 she was about a 7.
She had a very well manicured pussy, meaning she kept it trimmed.
While I was staring at her pussy I look up to her eyes and saw that she saw me staring at her pussy.
She says to me, "Do you like what you see"? I said, "Yea, you have a very nice looking pussy".
Then she opens up her robe fully to show me the rest of her body.
Her tit's looked like typical mature tits, meaning they looked like they were great looking tit's when she was young, but now that she's older their a bit saggy.
She says to me, "How do you like the whole picture"?
At this point I'm feeling really uncomfortable but aroused. I'm thinking what if Joe walks out of his room and see's this.
I said to Joe's mom, "I think your attractive but I really don't think this is a good idea.
Right then and there she stands up and starts yelling at me saying, "What do you mean you don't think it's a good idea, This is my house, I'll do whatever I please, Blah, blah, blah. Then she barges into Joe's room and caught him getting a blow job from his girlfriend.
Joe starts yelling at his mom yelling, "Get the fuck outta here" about 10 times.
His mom is yelling at Joe saying if you can get a Bj from your girlfriend then it's ok for me to have a little fun right? Joe said to his mom, "What, you wanna fuck my friend? Go right ahead, Just get fuck outta here".
Joe's mom slams the door and walks back into the livingroom with her bath robe wide open and sits on the couch
right next to me.
She looks at me, and I look at her with my jaw hanging on the floor.
She say's "Well"?
I said, "Well what"?
She said, "Well, you wanna fuck"?
I said nothing, got up and ran out the door.
I get in my car and race home.
Not even 20 minutes goes by, and Joe's ringing my doorbell.
I almost didn't answer the door, but I figured I didn't do anything wrong.
Joe starts apologizing to me and he says to me, "Can you do me a huge favor"?
I said, what's that?
He said, "I know this is gonna sound weird, but can you go back to my mom's house and hang out with my mom for a little while"?
I said, "What do you mean, hang out'?
He said, "You know....."
I looked at him with a confused look and then I walked back into the house without saying anything.
He follows me in.
I said to him, "Why"?
He said, "After you left, my mom said to me she was gonna boot me outta the house unless I got you to come back.
I said, "What's in it for me"?
He said, "What do you want"?
I sat there a few minutes thinking.
Then I asked, "How much weed do you got"?
He said, He had about a pound. But then he said I can't give you all of it.
Then he said, I'll tell you what, I'll give you 2 ounces and $300 cash.
I said, "Give me 10 minutes to think about it".
After 10 minutes goes by I said, I'll do it. But I want the cash up front, and if she turns out to be some crazy bitch, and I end up walking out of there, then I still keep the money.
He said, "Cool".
I grabbed my super heavy duty condoms and drove back over there.
When I got there, his mom was dressed and was sitting on the couch.
Joe left the house with his girlfriend. But I looked out the window and he was just hanging out in his car in the driveway.
Joe's mom, asked me would you like something to drink. I said sure.
She come's in with my drink and said to me, I want you to tell me what Joe said to you to get you to come back over here.
I was straight up with her and told her exactly what Joe said.
She then asked me, "Do you want to have sex with me"?
I said, "I think your attractive, but on these terms I don't feel really comfortable".
She said well why don't you and I get to know each other first.
I found out that Joe is'nt really her son.
I found out that she was only 11 years older than me, I was 27 at the time.
I found out that she hasn't been with a man in over 3 years.
All kinds of shit.
To make this really long story not so long. I ended up fucking the shit out of her for the whole night.
Then she ended up becoming a fuck buddy for about 2 months.
I stopped seeing her because she ended up moving out of state.

But that's my crazy story when I went to my dealers house.
i love MILFS, theyve got such experience, fucked a MILF 35 yr old teacher on my last day of secondry school, she knew exactly what to do and fucked just the way i like it.


Well-Known Member
Axes flying by my head, Rv exploding, Jaws broken, pounds jacked, crazy ulgy thing trying to fuck, Death, all this on a good day.

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
i once bought a Q, had a really awkward jam sesh with my dealer, he was playin all blues and funk shit while i was trying to beast some whitechapel lmao, he didnt look best pleased. we stopped, had a few more bongs an that, then i was waiting for the 'off' signal but he was like, gotta make some drops now man so i got up, shoes on, door open, he follows, i trip on the first fucking step, not half way down, not near the bottom, the first bastard step of a 4 flight apartment block and proceed to 'bin it' down all of the fuckers! it made it worse that as soon as i cleared the first set i could hear him laughing his ass off, and right near the end some guy opened his door and shouted "stop with all the fucking noise!" as i was rolling by :p i couldent do shit but laugh when i got up :D. He gave me an extra phat bud too cos he said it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen :) fully true an all :)
i would have liked to have been in his position though, being high as, then seeing some kid bail down A LOT of stairs, laughing as he's falling down them, getting shouted at by some baghead on the way down then getting up and laughing it off

mate i well love my dealers :)