What the hello, why not...

Hey man hope you and yours had a great thanksgiving! Thankful for friends like you for sure did you do the fried turkey this year: ?)

The mystery seedling is growing really fast, not sure if it's hybrid vigor or a male and don't really care but it's really been a little stinker since it was just a couple of weeks old and going to get flipped in a few weeks. Had to bump it ahead of a few new blueberries from seed it's growing so fast. It will be interesting to see what it is. Looking at it, it might have some C-4 genetics in it but it's kind of early to tell. I had a few crosses with that in it I'd be perfectly happy with some of that back!

Feel good sweet tasting blueberry puff puff pass..........................................:joint:
Mom went ahead and roasted the turkey, the wife has it on her mind now so I can’t see getting out of it for Christmas. It’s just a mess but otherwise it’s fine. That would be cool if it was c4 genes, that was some dank. The BMF was some of the frostiest herb I have ever grown and the one I had tasted like cake batter, the folks these days would eat that stuff up.
I reduced the gorilla glue yesterday, took the fans and some of the secondary. Put it in bags for the overnight sweat, what a stinker! It’s double sealed and still the whole house reeks! The wife is going to get grumpy if it doesn’t be quiet in the jars. This one has potential to escape the jar! Tried a couple tid bits I accidentally knicked off for wake-n-bake, oh lord it’s got the power even if it’s an s1. Yield is looking good too, about 8-9 zips from a 5 gallon.
Rudeboi og
ecsd, little bit of light sensitivity, turned down and lifted the lights a little. She stretched a bit more than I thought she would
Meat madness
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Funny you should ask I was just sampling a bowl of it a few minutes ago. This one has a mild “old school” dank taste and a nice stone but wasn’t the better pheno, there’s one I lost of it that has a nice funk and a strong cookie nose even in veg. That’s the pheno to watch for.
Puff, puff, pass...
Og chem and ecsd outdoor on the table today, the og chem is so tasty! It’s all sfv up front with a skunky, chemmy twist and a sour finish. Lip smacking and residual! This pheno isn’t swinging a night night bat either, by that I mean I can still function even if I get carried away. It’s soaring with good euphoria, creativity and alacrity. I can still do math and write code! The ecsd is potent, it’s definitely fully ripe!
That’s what I’m talking about! Too many times a good tasty herb puts you just a little too stupid or lazy. The glue makes me pretty stupid, most of what I have is kind of motivating actually. Xmas actually has some pretty hard thump now that I think about it. Really this ogc reminds me of motorbreath in taste. Mmmm just miss a little earth.
Bruce Banner went in the hole, she is smelling so good (terrible name for a girl plant). When I got this plant it look like shit, honestly I’m surprised I still have it. I ran it as a single stack little 1 gallon piece of crap and I could tell it had some kind of sickness but it still produced a very beautiful smelling bud so I healed it over the last year and it’s just a strong happy plant that’s ready to go out and show what it can do!

A pretty little pair of wedding cakes! JBeezy cut! Welcome home ladies, well one of them is going to either grow legs and move to another happy home or mother to that effect. She’s welcome here though!
next up will be cluster funk, fire og, granola funk, og 18, meat breath, and gelato 33 lord willing and the creek don’t rise!
Ecsd is at 7, rudeboi and meat madness are at 6. A-dub and Bruce banner @ 2. got a butt load of sour diesel crosses to run. I crossed my old sour diesel from Cali connection f2 and to an elephant stomper male. Boy males were frosted harder than most females, less so these days. It’s time to dig into some of these old projects and get into some new ideas! I also did some work with sweet tooth and herijuana. This is the rudeboi.
Started my male hunt that will coincide with some of my first projects getting ready to start a seed company this year! It feels good to say that out loud! Looking for a pair to f3 on the sour, and sweet tooth x sour diesel begins hunting! 80% germinated from 8 year old seeds unrefrigerated. Sweet and Sound ok? Maybe motor mouth?
Nice that's the way to do it, spend the time finding the stellar gem females. Good luck finding the stud!! 80% germ rate on 8 yr old unrefridgerated seeds??? No way, I wish I could do that I have about 30 strains still that never got grown out from 8-10 yrs ago. Just can't get any to germ I've tried about 10 strains maybe 200 seeds.
Hey and that is such awesome news about the seed company! Now THAT is exciting you must be really looking forward to that you certainly have the genetics to produce some of the best medicine in the world!! Happy for you mang looking forward to growing some cowboy gear one day :weed:
You are too kind brother! It’s a dream that I have to make true. It’s like that situation where you see the game being played and you know you can do better. I’d be happy just growing and getting that up to a place of making a living legitimately but the laws here aren’t changing fast enough and this is the other side of my passion, all those years of learning patience and nurturing of this plant should pay off too. I know that was a sore spot years ago, but I believe you still have some marks to make as well my friend! Your a certain kind of fella!
That gorilla glue is some kind of frosty cowboy........real stinker too huh : !)
The taste is curing into it, one of those that likes to develop taste in time. Seems to be on point, just not as pungent taste as the original clone. I’m a bit disappointed as I was told this was the original clone but at the end of the day my jar is full, it’s close, and it will put a bat to your head so no much to complain about.