What the hello, why not...

I was poking through my seed stash and still have some of T’s work. Also aveanna, I can’t remember how he spelled that name, but I bet you remember him too. He had some interesting crosses. Still have some of you and cof’s work too.
That's how he spelled it. I told you that all my seeds went bad. Must have been too warm I guess they like it a little cooler in storage. I tried germing a shitload a few weeks ago and nothing. Anyways one of them was sour og x 60's kush from Tryna. I just mixed them into the top of one of my girls as a tribute. Not holding out much hope but you never know.
I was poking through my seed stash and still have some of T’s work. Also aveanna, I can’t remember how he spelled that name, but I bet you remember him too. He had some interesting crosses. Still have some of you and cof’s work too.
We were both wrong lol....its spelled Aeviaanah. Was going through my journal and his posts popped up a lot
lol man, I knew it was out there. Thanks for looking! He used to pop in from time to time but haven’t seen him for a while either. I’ve only been back for couple years now I took several years off from here as well. Wasn’t growing because I got married, moved and started a new career.
Speaking of fam, how are the kids man? Well not really kids anymore, nor mine!
yeah not really kids anymore lol. They are doing awesome, couldn't be more proud. My so kind of ditched his music career after doing several tours,, created a pilot and a small series called Green Mount and sold it to the Trailer Park Boys it's on their website swearnet.com. He just had a son recently, 10 months old My hippie daughter is research coordinator in the oncology dept at the hospital, going to grad school in the fall and she is due in mid june with a boy. Proud grandpa here :cool:
Mano, Mano,, man! Well some grim news today, looks like I will be up your way HC, my brother in law was about to take chemo and the like and instead they are sending him home for hospice. Organs are shutting down. Rough he’s only 2 years older than me. I don’t get up that way too much, might like to make a trip out and say high. I’ll be around Wiscassett, but we will have a rental car. I’m hopping a plane on Monday but be around for the week. we won’t be hovering him, I mean I want to see him off in person, I don’t do funerals. It’s going to be really weird if everyone comes and just watches him die. My wife might stay for a bit but, we’ll you know how these things go.

Anyway I’ll let you know more as it goes also.

Have a good one mango!
Oh shit I'm really sorry to hear that cowboy. Horrible way to go fucking cancer it takes too many people. Rough on the family I'm sure especially if he has kids. Nice that you're going to be there with him to say goodbye. And absolutely brother if you need a sanity break and want to make a bit of a road trip you're more than welcome. I'm in Vt looks like you would be around 6 hrs away. Good luck with everything I'll talk to you
They are! One started looking like it’s hungry, upon inspection I found it’s gotten some spider mites, no webs and it’s the first one at the door, so they are new so at least I can keep them from getting a foothold. Man, you got to keep an eye on your space right!! I have about a month to go, should be able to get her in no problem. I don’t see anything anywhere else but you know how those little bastards are I won’t take it for granted I’ll just start blowing all their undercarriages out. The rooms are waterproof, a hose with a pressure attachment and I shouldn’t need to worry about chemicals. The veggers Show nothing, but I’m going to do a sulphur dip for good measure.
BOnions, Larry Og, ECSD, and GMO
In that order. I’m calling my fake bubba bonions since it smells like berries, onions, and body odor.... seems fitting. I have felt she was a keeper when running next to other untested seeds, unless these “clone only” babes kick it in the ass she is going to make them look bad! The Larry is the only one looking like an equal! In looks anyway! BOnions hits pretty freaking hard, I greened out and lost about $600 worth of glass the first jar I smoked off her. She’s a killer!0F0CD3E5-1FF9-467E-B0BE-51479329BC8C.jpegB5513362-B1A3-4E17-B136-5A8F06A70FA7.jpeg43179E58-3E0B-49E5-9CA2-D9B0D6C71D66.jpegC4EC5F92-29B1-4925-9415-F26A3FB01696.jpeg
Ok ecsd looks pretty juicy now that I think about it, gmo goes long I’m told like 11 weeks minimum. It’s forgiven for looking younger. Honestly they are hauling ass for ripening in my opinion. I got a sample of some Mammoth P that I’m trying for the first time. I had some ph issues leading up to flower but got that under control finally, the alkaline water had saturated the soil making it hard to shift. I did a citric acid wash and that seemed to help. The few mites I saw are gone everything got a full submersion in wetted sulphur, with sulfur burns before going into flower, the sulfur burns continued till end of stretch so really there’s no where for them to eat either. I’ll keep hosing the one that I spotted them on and keep it from touching others but I think it will be ok.
They aren’t that hard to deal with once you figure out their ways. I have some hard core crap you can’t use near flower for emergencies but I haven’t had to use it before. I was looking at regalia, with venerate and grandivo alternation. That stuff is cool! Seems like the perfect ipm and you can run it most of the way through flower. Sulfur stinks and after using it in any form I smell like a match for the next week.
Oh ya, sneaky peaky.......gorilla glue sticking up in foreground, but my baby. Chem d! Bout to make a run!! Nom nom!E7C9EA4B-694C-46C6-85C3-707819996460.jpeg
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i n3ver had spider mites. i think if i did i would throw out the plant and and call the pest control to spray. GIves me the heebee jeebees. We have like 8 large sticky spider trays in all of our 2 bdroom apartment rooms. that plant up there looks really sweet.
I have a hibiscus tree that I have to bring inside in the winter. Somehow they find it, they love it! Turns out ants love to eat the spider mites and they clean that thing up every year when we put it outside. Every once in a while one of those little bastards gets In somehow. Gotta learn to deal with them. Honestly I’ve never had an infestation anywhere but on the hibiscus but I don’t really patrol the hibiscus unless they get crazy on it. There are easy to spot if you know what you’re looking for and if you catch them before they take hold they will never take hold. A bit of ipm to reduce chance of infection. Clean out the lowers, it’s trash anyway and that’s where they like to get in.
My shed is in the Backyard so no chance of complete isolation. Either learn to figure it out or give up, I’m no quitter. I don’t smoke webs of chemicals either! He he! Sulfur does really well, just can’t use it in flower. I think if you pay attention to your girls and see them every day, you shouldn’t get infestation of anything...
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