What the hell type of bug is this

I started a few from outside. Moved them indoor and saw today this bug on it which at first thought was a bud but my plants still in veg, does anybody know what type of bug this is ive never saw one, thank in advance



Well-Known Member
Do you know any good ways to get rid of naturally without affecting the ph or stunting
get an organic spray that has neem in it and cut it in half (from normal dose) with water (for more frequent spraying to get eggs,etc.). Just about anything that can be sprayed and eaten same or next day (garden vegs) will work. Avoid spraying buds, and avoid spraying close to harvest. After, all signs of bugs gone can spray with plain water. I did mine in bathtub when I had thrips and when dry place back under lights. DO NOT spray plants while under lights...will burn em bad!


Well-Known Member
What above said and also organic insecticidal soap spray like Natrasoap or something similar. Or can make your own with organic, cold pressed neem oil and Castile soap (100% pure soap) like dr bronners.
What above said and also organic insecticidal soap spray like Natrasoap or something similar. Or can make your own with organic, cold pressed neem oil and Castile soap (100% pure soap) like dr bronners.
Okay thank you man i will try your guys suggestions , thank you guys again


Well-Known Member
Do you know any good ways to get rid of naturally without affecting the ph or stunting
The first thing I'd do is find out if they're even a potential pest worth the effort. Of course, since you're bringing plants inside from out, you might just want to do a round of preventative treatment anyway.
The first thing I'd do is find out if they're even a potential pest worth the effort. Of course, since you're bringing plants inside from out, you might just want to do a round of preventative treatment anyway.
Yes its the first one ive seen , im definitely on the lookout for more, my biggest problems with growing have been pests


Well-Known Member
if possible don't bring plants from outside, inside

grow indoors or outdoors but not both as both is a recipe for an infestation. Thripes, mites, etc. love marijuana!

if you end up using an organic insecticide with neem then be sure if you spray much (I used a hand sprayer bought at a hobby shop) to cover top of pot around plant with garbage bag, plastic, etc. so the spray doesn't drip down into soil as bad for soil