What the hell is going on here?!


Well-Known Member
Is this N? The tips are dark and curled but the center of the leafs are stopped yellow like shown in the pic. The growth is very slow as well.



Well-Known Member
She does not like that soil. Probably too hot or just a runt. I'd try something else.


Well-Known Member
Usually when I get those it's because the root system stopped growing and the plant is in fact dying. Bet if ya culled it, it would have almost no root ball at all. You can try keeping it alive but in my opinion it's futile


Well-Known Member
Too wet you need to let it dry out until it is paper light. So light that your little voice is panicking. Then you water just about 1/4th the volume of dirt. Do not for any reason wet the dirt inbetween. Also if you are feeding plants in dirt then set your pH when using just water so that ot matches exactly the pH of when you feed nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I actually hit it with real growers recharge and it seems to be doing a lot better... it's growing again and the new growth is looking good.


Well-Known Member
Its overwatering fucking the root system and unless you change your method it will start again.


Well-Known Member
i had the same issue, roots dont like the wood chips and dont grow easily around them which slows down growth, you tend to over-water in this case, thinking she is thirsty - which compounds the problem... i tossed a few due to this and the stronger looking ones I kept, but i dont think its worth the effort... i want to enjoy growing, not struggle... so leaving them to nature in the winter season to fend for themselves and I'll start again soon


Well-Known Member
Plant is fine guys thanks, new growth is nice and green and it is catching up with the other plant. I say it was the recharge, some may disagree


Well-Known Member
Awesome! Looks like that will be a very nice harvest. That product you listed looks interesting although to be honest I make that myself now. I have to make it beforehand if I want to use it but that's ok because anything I use is on a schedule. Here's a thread I use often on making this stuff yourself

Not saying you should be 100% organic like me I'm just showing you the other way. I'm looking forward to seeing your harvest so try to remember to throw up a photo.


Well-Known Member
I believe the plant is just about done if not a few days left. I been flushing for a little over a week now. I also had sone heat burn some of my buds :( but no worries it wasnt much. Would you guys says it's good to go? There are some buds that need some time but othere are ready to go. I'll do a selective harvest and hope for the best.

