What the hell am i doing??????


Active Member
Hi all. this is my first time growing, and im not so sure what im doing is working well enough. I have 3 plants in 8 inch pots, that consist of vermiculite, pete moss, and some sand for better drainage. The seeds i used are reggo seeds from a seedy bag of tree. I figure i better start small before i spend doe on seeds. Right now there at about 3 weeks, give or take a day or two. all three are about 6 inches tall, and have a good amount of leaves growing. although on one of them, the starter leaves that first appeared when they sprouted are turning yellow. is this bad? im wondering if its a sign of poor watering or is it nutrients? it also has one leaf on the bottom thats got a slightly yellow tip, nutrients maybe or root rot?

i dont know how to fertilize these beasts if someone could help it would be great!! i need all the tips i can get!!!!! :leaf:


Active Member
and i should also include... i keep the plants well ventilated, although they are in a clauset. Im using 8 florescent grow bulbs that are 1800 lumens each, that i got at a local indoor growing store. as for right now i have 24 hour lighting. they are full spectrum bulbs and what not i cant afford a 200 dollar lighting system. as for watering i water whenever i feel they need, i usually test the soil an inch down, if its dry then i add a cup of water, id say about ever 4 to 5 days. The temperature is at a steady 78F.
anything else that i need to add let me know, ill try to get some pictures..


Well-Known Member
starter leaves (the round ones) are called cotyledons. they're supposed to fall off. perfectly normal. i'd be careful with the sand though-it tends to drain the soil too much if you used a lot. doesn't sound like its a watering issue cause over or underwatering will lead to really droopy wilting leaves.

as for nutes get one high in N for veg and use it at 25%-50% strength every 3-4 waterings (or as needed).


Active Member
alright thanks man. good to know, and a great relief! when am i going to know if i have male or female plants?


Active Member
yeah i looked in the FAQ about checking the sex. im going to wait for about 2 more weeks and im going to look for pre flowers. but how long should i wait if i want to top the plant? and when i do that, will it automatically grow two new shoots?

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
dude! sand and vemiculite? shit ur plant is gonna suffocate or grow slow, try some perlite 50/50 w/ vemiculite then u can also add pete moss.


Active Member
can i switch the soil in the pot? or just keep going, i mean this is first time everything, tryin to learn!! i dont think i can transfer them now, i think its a little to late for that. also with an 8 inch pot, how big can these get?


Well-Known Member
you can use different soil when you transplant, if you transplant. nobody gets it right their first time so just chalk it up as experience--now you know better for next time. in my eight inch pots they get about 2-3 feet before they show signs of being rootbound. and you can top as soon as you get 4-5 nodes. good luck and keep reading.