what the heck -.-


I germinated my seeds in a cup of water for 24 hours. They all had very small probably 1/8" white tails and slightly opened shells. I placed them in cups with plastic bags....temp 90 degrees, 60 percent humidity. It's been a few days and I was wondering why nothing was sprouting...so I emptied all the soil into a bowl and watered in down slowly to find my seed....I went through the entire thing and didn't find it, even broke up every piece with gloves on..I'm germinating 3 new seeds, any tips please?


Well-Known Member
what are you growing in?How far down in the soil did you drop the seed?where are you growing at?Are they grown outside?How wet is the soil?Its possible they were bad beans,Even more possible you just didnt see them.The mear fact you washed down a whole pot of dirt to see where the seeds were shows you have no patience (at all) and it takes alot of patience for growing anything.Slow down.Sprout your seeds in your method of choice.Once been starts too crack open you want to drop the seed in (point of seed facing up) about a 1/2"hole in a nice mixture of soil and perlite about 60/40 (soil/perlite) not too wet,not too dry and wait for sprout.It may take a few days,Ive had strains take up to a week before they even broke ground while the rest of the seeds were already almost 3" tall.


Well-Known Member
could try another way of germinating. all i did was got about 3 sheets of paper towel. folded them in half, then half again. wet the base of the paper towel (i used rain water) drop the seeds on the towel, fold the other half over the top of the seeds and wet that down, (damp so its not dripping). place the kitchen towel inbetween 2 plates , put the plates in a bag with a hot water bottle and wait 2-3 days (refill hot water bottle every 10 hour or so). mine cracked and started roots very fast. Also, when planting down put the seed it'self into the soil, just the white root in the soil, reason for this is theres 2 flowers in the seed so keep them above the soil.