What the heck are these????

lvl i k e y

Active Member
weird... i remember reading a post somewhere else on here about a guy who's plant looked like it was female... but what was happening was tight leaf clusters were forming where budsights would otherwise be. he said the plant ended up covered in trichomes and he had to trim tightly packed leaves into bud shapes at harvest. you have any trichomes showing? also, consider genetics... maybe a low quality seed or even a damaged seed? it looks strange to say the least. any signs of flowering at all? to me plant looks like its growing 'tops' instead of developing budsights... what do the tops of the main cola(s) look like?

It does look like very dense leaf clusters are forming right where the buds would be like you said. It is bag seed so its def. low quality. There are no signs of flowering yet. The top of the plant looks pretty normal i guess you could say. where you would see the clusters of pods or pistils there are just leafs coming out. ITS CRAZY!


Active Member
Mikey, i would look @ the upper most sections of your main cola(s) for the trichomes. they first appear on the part of the leaf closer to the stalk of the plant than the tip of the leaf. Now the presence of trichomes wont tell you sex but it will let you know your plant is starting to mature sexually or not. Also, it has no signs of preflowers another indication of sexual immaturity.
You acknowledged the seed is low quality, but i wonder the strain... ive heard of some really low quality auto-flowers producing little to no bud and just excessive vegetative growth. I would wait it out a little longer unless it starts causing an issue with space. I don't wanna break the bad news but i suspect your seed is retarded and is missing the genetic information to switch from veg to flower. However I'm just some guy on an internet forum so take my advice at face value and make rational choices... dont wanna whack a late bloomer.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
ITS A BABY GIRL. thank you all so much. today when the lights came on i noticed pistils on the mail cola really close to the top. Glad i didnt whack her down like you said twenty2. Thank you everybody for your help and support on this iw ill keep you all updated on how the plant buds out. becuase it still looks weird on some nodes. but the top has pistils so...yaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ITS A BABY GIRL. thank you all so much. today when the lights came on i noticed pistils on the mail cola really close to the top. Glad i didnt whack her down like you said twenty2. Thank you everybody for your help and support on this iw ill keep you all updated on how the plant buds out. becuase it still looks weird on some nodes. but the top has pistils so...yaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad to hear it. Watch it closely though, ya never know it could still start sprouting balls as well as pistils. the plant may also be more sensitive to going hermie through enviromental stresses.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
yeah im going to keep a close eye on it still. im still very happy lol. Im sure there are a thousand threads out there that ask this same question but. do the hermies pollinate the fems?. i'll be ok with some seeds in a hermi. im used to shit weed anyway


Well-Known Member
a hermie will pollinate the whole crop if you give it the chance, why it happens-a hermie plant will grow pollen sacks, pollen comes from pollen sacks and when they pop the pollen will be more than happy to hit as many pistils(one pistil=one seed) as possible. a few busted pollen sacks can easily nail a ton of pistils and cause a ton of seeds to form.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
oh. shit. maybe i'll have to keep an EXTRA close eye on her then lol. It is a weird plant to begin with and smells really weird i noticed today.


Active Member
darkdestruction speaks the truth! i think the reason hermies pollinate entire indoor populations is because of how good air circulation is in most of our grows. we're concerned with circulating the air as a defense against mold, but it also accelerates the spreading of pollen. At any rate glad its starting to show sex... how long did it take on 12/12? almost 4 weeks?

New Grower 420

Active Member
shure was a weird lookin plant though haha i couldint tell what the hell it i kinda figured it was guna hermie on you glad to see it was a female though and yes keep a damn close eye on her she aint worth a whole runined crop

lvl i k e y

Active Member
darkdestruction speaks the truth! i think the reason hermies pollinate entire indoor populations is because of how good air circulation is in most of our grows. we're concerned with circulating the air as a defense against mold, but it also accelerates the spreading of pollen. At any rate glad its starting to show sex... how long did it take on 12/12? almost 4 weeks?

yeah 4 weeks friday. Crazy i know!

lvl i k e y

Active Member
shure was a weird lookin plant though haha i couldint tell what the hell it i kinda figured it was guna hermie on you glad to see it was a female though and yes keep a damn close eye on her she aint worth a whole runined crop[/QUOTE

You aren't kidding its weird looking! There is still a possibility of it going hermie on me so like you said, she aint worth a whole ruined crop.

New Grower 420

Active Member
yeah if you have a sativa wont be any indicas with a period that long(that i know of) pretty shure op's got themelfs a few indica plants.


Active Member
i wasnt saying these were anything. just saying some strains take a long time, and that it might behoove the op to show some patience and see what happens. just offering the sentiment as encouragement.


Active Member
NG420 do you have experience with sativas? i do not but have some Mako Haze beans i wanna pop... just that i have to keep everything under 4ft now and i know the sativas love to stretch. im just wondering if there gonna be easy to control with lst / topping and a screen?

lvl i k e y

Active Member
How can you tell if its indica or sativa? Im pretty sure i know what the difference is but idk how you can tell just by looking at the plant.


Well-Known Member
How can you tell if its indica or sativa? Im pretty sure i know what the difference is but idk how you can tell just by looking at the plant.
the leaves are thinner and the plants lankier and less bushy with sativa. some sativas can take longer than 14 weeks, 12-16 weeks is about the average time on them. let me see if i cant find a few comparison sativa to indica pics, it will make it alot clearer than me trying to describe it. Although really you can only tell if its indica or sativa dominant, with alot of the crosses out it can be really hard to tell it is a crossbreed unless you know it beforehand. so you can only really tell if its indica or sativa dominant.
