What the heck are these????

lvl i k e y

Active Member
Cant figure it out. Doesnt look like a fem to me. Dont want to trash it too soon though. its been 3 weeks into 12/12. all my others have shown male or female. then i got these...



Active Member
the top and middle notches look like a female but the bottom notch looks like a male. You should see a lot more if you're 3 weeks into flowering them. Light leaks?

lvl i k e y

Active Member
I had a light leak for about the first week into flower. Its been fixed since then. No there arent any white hairs coming out. just looks like new a new branch or something growing.


Well-Known Member
the top and middle notches look like a female but the bottom notch looks like a male. ?
ditto, you'll know what's going on soon enough. I had a light leak from my electric heaters power on light give me male preflowers but they turned into females later.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
Lights just came on im going to go take a look and see. I'll hang onto it. Hopefully it will show more signs of female.


Well-Known Member
could it be hermi?
It's possible, but if it was a female hermie you should of seen pistils by now. Wait and see for sure(maybe keep it away from the rest if possible, or check very often on it) but imo it not having shown pistils at all yet makes it unlikely its female or a female that went hermie or is genetically hermie. Plus, none of your other plants did anything like this in response to the light leak. so imo that pretty much rules that out.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
IMAG0248.jpglol this thing looks so wierd i guess time is what will tell. but is it just going to take up pIMAG0247.jpgrecious growing space? Is it worth keeping because i see no signs of female, or male for that matter. here's a couple more pictures...


mushroom man

Active Member
i have the samething happening on one of my plants and its a female , i have no light leaks but its doing the samething there just leafs growing like its tring to branch off like it was cliped

mushroom man

Active Member
there older plants i really dont know how long ,and the one that has that is just showin sex still hard to see ,but the reson how i know its a female is u should get a 5050 ratio if u have a even amont of plants and the one i paired her up with was for shure a male,i geuss at worst case it being a hermi but i would say its a safe bet imo thats a female

lvl i k e y

Active Member
Really i have to disagree with you on the 50/50 chance thing. I dont think i would just assume its a female based on the other one being a male. With a hermi plant you still get the pistils growing like you would on a female plant if im not mistaken so it would still look like a female. my plant has a new set of leafs coming out where the pre flowers should be. today, they are getting really big. 3 weeks into flower i should have some sign by now i would think.

mushroom man

Active Member
true u would think but if u dont see any balls or banans u r in good shape,and i have to say i have been right on with the 5050 and all my other plants that i thought were females r allways done it that way and always works for me , if i have an odd number of plants is when i get hermi or because i put them through stress,look it up man and tell me what u find on 5050 and u will be surprized


Well-Known Member
the fact it has not shown pistils leads me to believe its not female, 50/50 male/female ratio is a decent estimate, but in no way is it a certain thing. in my experience i tend to get slightly more females than males, but again it varies.I highly doubt You growing an odd number of plants is why you get hermies.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
I agree with you about it not showing pistils yet. But should it be ruled out just yet? I guess i could just let it sit there and find out, but to free up some space would be nice as well so I want to know what you guys think about keeping or pitching.


Active Member
weird... i remember reading a post somewhere else on here about a guy who's plant looked like it was female... but what was happening was tight leaf clusters were forming where budsights would otherwise be. he said the plant ended up covered in trichomes and he had to trim tightly packed leaves into bud shapes at harvest. you have any trichomes showing? also, consider genetics... maybe a low quality seed or even a damaged seed? it looks strange to say the least. any signs of flowering at all? to me plant looks like its growing 'tops' instead of developing budsights... what do the tops of the main cola(s) look like?