What the h*** kinda plant is this????????!!!!!!!!

This plant has two circular seed leaves like every other plant on gods green earth but something strange is happening, it grew a very long stem then grew a circular leave on top.... please tell me what in the world this is, it did come from a bag, and is in fact marijuana just idk wtf strain this is lol:leaf:



Active Member
sorry man but nobody will be able to tell the strain other than just a basic guess. your best bet is to ask your dealer what kind of bud you bought last


Basil. Someone cut the bag with spices. lol.

jk, I don't know. I'm very interested though, please keep us informed/post updates on its growth, and looking forward to someone who knows!
if i find out and its some high grades im gonna shit my pants cuz it was 5 for a gram haha, so damn idk what this is but im dyin for it to grow and me find out lol


Active Member
do you grow your basil with your pot plants and use the same nutrients cause mine seem to hate extra nutes
use the left over water from feeding your pot plants, and then add 50% more water to this, herbs thrive off this. my chillies, basil heck even my acacia maidenii loves the left overs!


Active Member
I think its a weed, not weed. might be a dandelion, cannabis pants grow serrated true leaves afer the seed leaves all the rest should be serrated. a non native invasive species , from a bird poop or a nearby tree.


New Member
mine grew out of roots organic soil dont know what it is either started the exact same as yours i took very good care of it mine is 2 weeks into flower give me a few minutes and i will show you what it turns into. i dont know what it is either.