What the fuck is she doing?

She was really skinny 12 or so years ago when we knew her. She's healthily thickened up since then, which usually doesn't happen when you're on illicit drugs, so that bits perplexing. But she does look a bit beat up. Partly the reason for their breakup was because the little ho apparently thought she could upgrade to me them 12 years ago. I wasn't having it. I imagine that might be a bit awkward for her seeing me with my wife now.
She was trying to get her some neosporin huh
i used to pace for like anxiety related issues..but maybe shes moving stuff around and getting settled? thats the first thing that came to my mind.
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Honestly if i get a day alone in the house (rare but hey) my a.d.d kicks in and im walking all over the house with headphones fuckin with the dogs. If she has no car and no job shes probably up there bored as hell. I assume she's fat yes? Multiple trips to the fridge between springer reruns and facebook selfies( you know the one fat chicks do from above so they dont look fat but she still does making her fat and a liar?). My best guess.

thats the best shit ever.hahah
i used to pace for like anxiety related issues..but maybe shes moving stuff around and getting settled? thats the first thing that came to my mind.
Me to but i find the best way to get rid of it is to just eat oxys
she won't be able to calmly sit in front of you, while steadily making eye contact and not fidgeting, if she's on crack or meth. if it's meth she may be itching her arms some too. either way she'd be constantly looking away and hoping to escape for more soon.

Invite them both down for dinner, insist on it. that way she'll be stuck w ya for at least 3o minutes or so to speak with. try not to give em much notice, you'll have a better chance of catching her zonked. then if you're sure she's wacky tell your bro she must go. good luck
It oh... My friend is on meth. He is constantly fidgeting.
I finally asked my brother what the fuck she's doing up there, and his response was
