what the F is going on?!


New Member
How could it be bud rot when it showed face over a month before flowering even started? Bud rot is mushy and has spores, this doesnt.
How big are mites? I honestly didnt look super close for tiny incects. Its feet away from a 6ft tall swiss cheese that is like a month in to flowering flowering and it is georgous. That one is almost impeccable other than a few very small dying brown spots on the bottom like that shit plant. I feel like its something in the soil but im not a expert.

What would you like to hear?

It's bud rot (or at least it appears to be). Your other plant will probably get it too (probably already has it, just isn't consumed by it yet). Maybe the area you planted in has a high RH...maybe air flow in that area isn't great. Maybe your soil stays too wet. Maybe it rains too much. Maybe that plant was weak and took the brunt, saving the bigger healthier plant. Maybe that's wishful thinking.

As far as I'm aware, there's nothing you can do once it's this bad. Next time make sure you have plenty of sunlight, good airflow, and quality soil. Trim your plants up away from the ground and consider a cover if you get heavy or sustained rains.
But for now, I think you're fighting a losing battle.

For sure prune off any brown crap from the plant you still have hope for. Hopefully you get a harvest of some kind still.

Good luck
I tossed that plant never intended to fix it, just wanted to know what it was. You guys say bud rot but that thing had leaves deformed and dying weeks before a female hair showed up. I wasnt aware but rot occurs before buds. Update: a week ago i found 3 small mold spots on 2 plants(3 total). I used the milk trick and today(one week later), i found a couple very small mold spots but i removed them and it seems to not be spreading much. I sprayed again today and covered the 2 plants that had mold spots. It is gonna rain today and tomorrow so i hope the milk and tarp buy me another week


Well-Known Member
wether it be bud rot or watever, learn to fucking grow properly with good genetics and get your shit down honkey,, then u wont have this shit happeneing,, yano?

also, ur contradicting yourself,.
on one hand your asking wtf is up with my plant, then on the other your saying it sientw at the people are saying it is,i

f your not going to accept wta people say STFU


New Member
Dude "bud rot" is caused by a fungus called botrytis. That fungus couldn't give a shit if your plants are flowering or not, except that flowering plants generally create a more suitable environment, so it's more commonly found in plants with buds, hence the term "bud rot". Maybe instead of saying it was bud rot, we should've more accurately referred to it as botrytis. You have botrytis. There, that better?

Your environmental conditions are what you need to be addressing here, or you're never going to solve this problem.
Sounds like you're on the right track though, so hopefully you can kick this shit and have an even better crop next year.
wether it be bud rot or watever, learn to fucking grow properly with good genetics and get your shit down honkey,, then u wont have this shit happeneing,, yano?

also, ur contradicting yourself,.
on one hand your asking wtf is up with my plant, then on the other your saying it sientw at the people are saying it is,i

f your not going to accept wta people say STFU
You stfu id slap you in person punk. Dont ne internet tough guy.jerry68w, vood answer on the bud rot i wasnt aware it happens before flowering.


Well-Known Member
Sorry that I didn't answer a couple days ago with my first post. Hadn't seen the pictures.
What you have is a major P deficiency, not botrytis.


Well-Known Member
It isn't bud rot, that I am 100% sure. Do you still have the plant, or did all the bad information scare you into killing it?
So far its been 9 days since seeing the pm on 2 ladies. I used the milk/water spray and theres.no trace on one and the other had like 3 very small spots i found today. This entire week looks nice so im gonna ride it out before i pull that particular plant.(someone asked to report back on the milk spray).


Well-Known Member
Powdery mildew and bud rot are completely different. Man... first of all, rotate your pictures so we can see them. Secondly if youre not going to take our advice then dont fucking ask for it. Third, spraying milk on your plants is absurd. ! I dont care what you have read. To me rotting milk in my plants would almost be worse than bud rot. This is frustrating...


New Member
Powdery mildew and bud rot are completely different. Man... first of all, rotate your pictures so we can see them. Secondly if youre not going to take our advice then dont fucking ask for it. Third, spraying milk on your plants is absurd. ! I dont care what you have read. To me rotting milk in my plants would almost be worse than bud rot. This is frustrating...

Hahaha that's why I've decided to abstain from these areas for the most part ... it's just irritating. No offense to you personally, OP. It's just difficult to actually know what's happening and anytime you're a little off, some jackwagon wants to elevate himself without actually adding to the conversation. When I want to be annoyed, I'll do it in TNT like a normal person from now on.

OP, I hope you get that straightened out man. I have some PM in my grow house too, I'm about to tear that whole building apart cleaning. Not a big fan of the PM. At least my flower room is okay for now. Here's wishing us both a PM-free future bongsmilie:eyesmoke::bigjoint:
Those pics werent upside down when i copied them on here and i even flipped them upside down before posting and thats how the end up?! As far ad the milk goes, my second spray was sat and once it dries it doesnt smell or make the buds look any different. Theres no need to use those tones, we need to relax...