What temperature is too cold?


Well-Known Member
I can take it down to about 25 below zero before getting a chill. And I prefer my water at exactly 157ppm.


Active Member
Some plant get powdery mildew at 70 degrees but that doesn't help you does it? Some plants are overfertilized at 200 ppm but that doesn't help you does it? I guess we don't know but that doesn't help you does it?


Active Member
Some plant get powdery mildew at 70 degrees but that doesn't help you does it? Some plants are overfertilized at 200 ppm but that doesn't help you does it? I guess we don't know but that doesn't help you does it?
prob not him but you actually answered one of MY questions before i could ask! (had a slight amount of powdery mildew on one of my pot lips) time to raise the temp a bit!

can you water your plants with refridgerated water? can that be 'too cold' for the roots?


Active Member
It might be too cold for your plants but I'm sure there are many that could handle it without a problem.