What substance are you doing tonight?


Active Member
I will be riding the Molly train tonight for another wonderful experience hopefully. Since my tolerance is way high, I'm thinking about starting with 200 mg, and about 30 min later popping another 200 mg.

Question, So does anybody know or can give me a guess as once Molly is in your system, what it will take to get back to that intial high.. eye flutters etc..

I've heard you have to double up so like 2-4 hours later if i bomb 400mg will that be suffice? I can never seem to get back to the top, but i also only pop 200mg like every hour waiting for it to kick in. i wanna climb the latter over and over through out the night. I'll have about 4 grams to share with 4 people including myself.

What are you taking tonight?
ive been taking molly for years as with alot or other drugs in the hollucination catigory and as far as i know the only thing to help spike a high is some oj and a neck massage but its never like the innital high bc you have to remember your body only has so much seritonin and even synthetic seritonin only lasts as long as your body can proccess it the "after high" is just a hangover effect.


Well-Known Member
Tonight i will be smoking some dank lemony buds, and mayhaps indulging in a little 4acoDMT. :)
I hope you have a good roll :P Last time i rolled i become vegetarian ;)


Well-Known Member
I have cut back on use of all substance's.

My DMT extraction is soon so I want the fullness out of the trip.
I might be smoking a vanilla cigar tonight with my friend.. but that doesn't sound much fun does it?

Good luck guys :)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Yes it does .... while you think about your wicked ...extraction ....to follow ...
Vanilla scented DMT thoughts ....
Quite exciting really ...



Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting on the key ingredient :P I shall update my thread on its arrival.

Actually puffer the way you say it makes me tickled with anticipation :)
My friend was excited i ordered the mimosa, He has been wanting to try DMT for while... We are still debating on who gets to go first.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Ya ... and your brain will be clean and ready .... there is great joys in Sobriety aka Recalibration.... if you are Alucinari ...
No joy in that ... if you are a junkie ...
But I don not think that YOU are THAT ... just YET.



Well-Known Member
I assure you I have no time in my life to be a junkie :P Dabble...now thats a whole different word.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Son ... you have time in life for everything .... cause it is up to YOU ... always .... no matter what ...... you always choose.
Addiction on the other hand is not something you choose ..... it kinda creeps up on YOU .... and you never even know it
till it's there. Watch your dabbling ... and always try to get excited ... about what .... stuff does ... from reading ..... first.

Then dabble with caution !


P.S Not to Mind fuck ....
IF YOU have never been a junkie .... how do you know when you turn into ONE ?
Would you Know ?

Deep thoughts .... no answer required ...

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Do not worry about the Physicality of things ....
No use in having a body .... if you have cracked your Brain .... on ONE Space Adventure ....
It Happens ...

I will take a bit of sweating and throwing up ... over that ...



Well-Known Member
Do not worry about the Physicality of things ....
No use in having a body .... if you have cracked your Brain .... on ONE Space Adventure ....
It Happens ...


I will take a bit of sweating and throwing up ... over that ...
Very good point, i think ill still shy away from the physical ones non the less. Any tips to avoid cracking your brain :o?

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Amen to that .... SIR
ALL I am trying to convey is that .... all 'real' drugs should be taken seriously !!
That is all.



Active Member
I'm going to nocturnal fest. This is gonna be insane. YouTube it, if you've never heard of it. I would post a link but I'm using a phone.

This is gonna be nuts!