What strains were popular in the 60s and 70s?

I remember when family and friends would come back from a trip to Hawaii. They would bring Maui Wowie, and Kona Gold.
I never did get to go on those trips. We were always in the family station wagon, pulling an Airstream to some National Park in the continental US.
I scored some Panama Red, from a girl at a rest area on one of these trips. The buds looked like hairy little trolls.
It was mind blowing smoke.
Remember when high schools had smoking areas?
All the stoners and smokers would hang out before and after school and at lunch. There would be 40-50 people in those places.
Used to buy $1.00 joints, called pinners. You could always score a couple doobs before class. Your lunch money would work usualy.
I was a band geek, so I had band first thing.
Nothing like playing the sax stoned to get the creative juices flowing.
You could see that smoking area from a distance! The giant billowing white cloud that hung over the area was funny. You didn't have to be a stoner to get high hanging out there.
Columbian, C Red, A Gold, Hawaiian. Best was Thai stick brought in from SE Asia by military personnel.

Nothing I have experienced in the last 30 years has held a candle to real Thai weed, not even close. Better have a crash place close by.
mauwi waui, acopoca gold. and back then it all sucked, low thc, but its were it "all" started so i guess it get credit. the whole 70's thing was an american pop culture thing.
mauwi waui, acopoca gold. and back then it all sucked, low thc, but its were it "all" started so i guess it get credit. the whole 70's thing was an american pop culture thing.
Sorry dude, you really missed out ....... some strains had no less THC & more CBD's than today. Good times. :eyesmoke:
Columbian, C Red, A Gold, Hawaiian. Best was Thai stick brought in from SE Asia by military personnel.

Nothing I have experienced in the last 30 years has held a candle to real Thai weed, not even close. Better have a crash place close by.
Have you grown or smoked real Thai since then? I grew a Thai a few years back. Horrible to grow, wouldnt wish it on anyone to do indoors but it was unique smoke.
Matanuska Thunderfuck, Thai Stick/Weed, Colombian Gold or Rainbow, Maui Wowee, Kona Gold, Oaxacan, Michoiacan, Panama Red, Acapulco Gold, Purple Kush, Purple Humboldt and on and on and on.:weed:

I haven't heard the name Michoiacan in 40 years. Best smoke I ever had, made you almost trip it was so strong.
mauwi waui, acopoca gold. and back then it all sucked, low thc, but its were it "all" started so i guess it get credit. the whole 70's thing was an american pop culture thing.

Thanks for informing me of this. I had the delusion that some of the pot back then was as good as today's and as for the sativas, more trippy.

In reality, there was a shitload of crap weed around where I was. Cost very little, like 10 or 15 bucks a oz. I did get good pot for 15 and oz. too, not saying the cheap was all crap.

The best of the smoke was not stronger than the best of today, will give you that. Hell of a lot more potent pot out today, that is a given. In cali for sure that is true.

If you had the money and connects the 70's were great for smoking. I usually had neither but still managed to do all right.

Had a indica hybrid or just indica bag of buds back in 79 that was great. Tried to get seeds from the growers but they only had clones and I could not deal with that. That smoke was as good as any I have grown in the last 3 years, easily. No name to the strain that I remember.

Great pot existed then and before then. As I said, you had to have the connects and money. Now anyone can get great pot seeds over the internet and have the best.
Yep and this is also where the buzz discrepancies come into play as well...

If you have been smoking shit all year long and then you get something that isn't shit (like columbian gold) you get 10x higher than you expect and all of a sudden you think it is the greatest thing ever grown. When in fact, it is just much better than absolute shit, but still nowhere near as good as today's bud.

I can see the reason why one would think this.....as it males good common sense.
But in reality all the great hawaiian weed i used to smole and some that i've grown, as well as jamacian, thai, the golds........really are much more powerful! The highs lasted much longer and the type of highs were much more diverse. I was smoking all the time, some of the best, and everytime was blasted!!
Most of what i'm smoking o
r growng from todays stock is much better than that crap brick commercial, but doesnt come close to the top self weed back then!!! I even ran into some sic commercial about 5 years ago that was dense gold big podded sativa, and it got me soooooo ripped for 5-6 hrs i almost went to the er. Now i was smoking much at the time of todays strains, chocolate chunk, trainwreck, haze, chronix........and still this hell sativa blew everything away, and no seeds!!!
Breeders now are concerned more about looks n bag appeal, maybe even smell......but no one used to really care as much about those qualities as they did about steller highs and flavor. It is truly dissapointing to me to smole weed today and not be able to experience those types of highs n flavors.
And the sativa's you get from the seedbanks arent on that level of quality.
I remember some years back when Arjan came out to Hawai'i to score some oldschool genetics, but the locals arent easy to share their elite stuff....so they gave him just some average genetics!!!
Thats why you dont find the really rare super chronic strains from seedbanks.....people dont want to share them with the world, thats their bread n butter, how they make their money. If everyone has it, then no can male the money. I know its hoarding, but its important for some to keep it like that!
I guess i'm tired of only getting high nowadays for an hour, two if its the best of todays......bummer......dragon chasing can be a let down.......but i'll chase it till i find it!!!!
^ I would say sativa you smoked 5 years ago that blew your socks off and had you all messed up wasnt curing since the 70's and that would make it "today's strain", not a 60's/70's strain.
^ I would say sativa you smoked 5 years ago that blew your socks off and had you all messed up wasnt curing since the 70's and that would make it "today's strain", not a 60's/70's strain.

Yes it does make it more of today's strain so to speak......but the genetics were very old and grown in either south america/mexico, most likely.
My point was that if you have those strains side by side with todays stuff, you would see how much more potent that stuff was.
Maybe that strong trippy weed is too potent for most, and possibly why these varieties arent available......?
.....also there was some top quality mexican budz! Not your before mentioned mexican golds, michocan.....but what my brother and i called holiday mex. Sometimes you got some excellent skunk varieties of mex as well as some of my favorite brown mex that was mainly seedless brown sticky spongy buds that were fruityish but different than todays fruity, delivering a top notch happy upbeat high.
And thai stick was some serious stuff....very tarry.....made you so high you felt like you were floating above the ground, and high for so long i remember sitting outside of my parents house for a couple hours waiting to shake the grip it had on me, cause i wasnt going in like that!
Elephant stick? Interesting.....never had it....but elephant weed was super potent, and grew huge w/huge leaves. Stoked you got to smoke that!
Fallbrook is a town in the San Bernadino Mtns. about 85 miles NE of san diego. There were some people I knew that had family involved in some outdoor cultivation up there. I heard there was alot of it going on in those hills. I guess back then it was So. Ca. answer to Humbolt and Mendicino

Well put,RockyMtnman. Fallbrook was certainly my answer to Northern cali bud. Funny though,my friends and I were under the impression Fallbrook was much closer to LaJolla than 85 miles. We even thought it was part of eastern San Diego county. Guess the fallbrook red hair was pretty strong:it temporarily turned a bunch of pretty smart UCSD kids into dummies(particularly at geography).
Yeah, every once in awhile we'd get a brick that still had a lot of sticky red hairs -- that was a time for celebration.

Speaking of the 70s, one of my younger friends took one look at the joints I rolled and said "Dude, 70s torpedo!"...

I hit him with my cane.
My buddy found a stash of a hundred or so seeds labeled redbud. He thinks they are from the 70's. not too sure, they are old though for sure. We were going to try and germ them for the hell of it... Who knows if one or two may actually pop. I blast from the past. Either way its gonna be fun trying and in reality, that's what it's all about. Well for me anyway. Peace!
Columbians are unexcelled for contemplation,but there's nothing like good old Mexican for laughter and sociability.​

If you have been smoking shit all year long and then you get something that isn't shit (like columbian gold) you get 10x higher than you expect and all of a sudden you think it is the greatest thing ever grown. When in fact, it is just much better than absolute shit, but still nowhere near as good as today's bud.

Obviously, most of the stuff being imported in bulk into the USA in the 1960s and 70s was schwagg, and the schwagg from the 1970s was, if anything "schwaggier" because it wasn't hand manicured, leafier, and full of stems and ceeds. So I agree with the first part of that.

As to the second part, the question here, I think, is just how does the BEST of the outdoor grown stuff from the 1970s compare to the stuff around today.

Fortunately, we don't have to "guess" or even rely on hazy smoke-filled memories from the '70s. Many of the classic 1970s strains are still around, people are still growing them, and with the advent of lab-based testing its possible to do OBJECTIVE comparisons against modern hybrid strains. Also note that he really best of stuff from the 70s was seedless (ie "sinsemilla"), so it was more comparable in appearance and quality to what's grown today.

Not surprisingly to people who actually smoked these back in the day, if you do the comparison, you can see why the "famous" name strains from the 1970s were famous. . .they actually do hold their own. They may not be easy to grow indoors under lights, but grown right, the BEST of the 70s era genetics seem to be every bit as good as the better stuff grown today. Don't take my word for it. Here's some published test results on recent grows of classic "name" 70s era strains being sold at dispensaries in CA:

Highland Thai: 22% THC

Panama red: 23% THC

Maui Wowie: 18-22% THC

Jamaican Lamb's "bread" ("breath"): 15-22% THC

Durban Poison 16-22% THC
This African strain wasn't readily available to American smokers in the 1970s, but the line definitely goes back there.

Acapulco Gold 12-25.5%(!!) THC

Maybe the older lines aren't QUITE as strong as the absolutely most potent of "clone only" lines that can test in the high 20s, but IMO anything getting into the 20% THC range is still pretty damn strong, and at 22% as good (if not better than) most of the "OGs" and other modern hybrid strains that people rave about.

The outdoor lines are also inbred, stable, tend to have at least medium yields, and if grown in their native environments pest and disease resistant; things that probably can't be said about many of the super "elite" strains.