What strains are the easiest for a beginning grower??


Hello you who readeth!

Ok, here's the scoop:

I have successfully been growing for about four weeks now; before that, nothing. I have been germinating bag seed (much better than brick but nothing to write home about) and planting a few here and there.

About half the seeds sprouted and I kept about 4 (all started a week apart, so each is about a week older than the next down to the baby) I have a friend who is in w/ me and Eff has a couple plants at her place.

I just found out (so I think) that my 4-5 week old plant is a girl :clap: . I have been CFLing since germ . "She" is about 10" tall (I wanted to keep short) and has about 8 nodes and counting... (Is it too late to clone? hmm)

I didn't want to do too much to it because it was my first grow and the thought of stressin' the plant freaked me out. I didn't want to spoil the chance for a female by any means. (aka I'm too scared to lose my baby lol)

SO.... basically I was/am getting the feel of the game before I try on bigger fish (i.e. seeds that cost $$).

With that said and the restrictions:
The need for stealth
small plant height
growing w/ florescents only
on the lighter side of grow stink (lesser smell)
beginning grower

What is the best strains (haha flavors) to grow?

Ill try to get a coup pics up from the possible girl.


Well-Known Member
I've heard great things about Northern Lights for beginners for multiple reasons. It's easy to grow (forgiving to the new grower), even though it's a good smoke it doesn't smell very much during flowering (at least compared to most other strains), and it's pretty short in stature which is good for stealth boxes.


Well-Known Member
I think this depends on the person. That's the beautify bout growing marijuana there hundredths if not thousands of different flavors,smells,color you can get acquainted to. And then just pick out what you like the best :-D As for beginner start with indicas they tend to stay short and are much more mold and pest resistant then most sativas. Not all but most. A few good one i like and are Rocklock, Afghan Kush (landrace strain) Vanilla Kush was a fun one to grow and a few other i cant remember atm medicated on some delicious honey oil :-D Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Afghan is nearly bullet proof. Heat and drought tolerant, it also will survive nutrient issues well.


I think this depends on the person. That's the beautify bout growing marijuana there hundredths if not thousands of different flavors,smells,color you can get acquainted to. And then just pick out what you like the best :-D As for beginner start with indicas they tend to stay short and are much more mold and pest resistant then most sativas. Not all but most. A few good one i like and are Rocklock, Afghan Kush (landrace strain) Vanilla Kush was a fun one to grow and a few other i cant remember atm medicated on some delicious honey oil :-D Hope this helps.
Oh yes, of course there are plenty to choose from (seems like Nirvana and Attitude are the most prominent/trustworthy), but the Caramelicious sparked my interest but I hear nothing good about it....? Vanilla Kush ohhhh does that sound sexy!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, of course there are plenty to choose from (seems like Nirvana and Attitude are the most prominent/trustworthy), but the Caramelicious sparked my interest but I hear nothing good about it....? Vanilla Kush ohhhh does that sound sexy!!!
Attitude is a great one been going through them for a while now. I grew a Caramelicious bout a year back after i got some bud from a dispensary. Leave's a awesome sweet coating taste in your mouth after smoking delicious strain. Vanilla kush smells like vanilla but the taste is awesome but not as great as you would think was a lil bummed.


Well-Known Member
I just found out (so I think) that my 4-5 week old plant is a girl :clap: . I have been CFLing since germ . "She" is about 10" tall (I wanted to keep short) and has about 8 nodes and counting... (Is it too late to clone? hmm)
Are you in 12/12? or you still vegging her with 18/6? if your still vegging its never to late to clone i have mother that are 4 5 months old now and have given me hundredths of clones had one that was 9 month old before. Even in flowering some say that after 4 weeks you cant root a clone any more well i say bullshit i have t4ested this personally i took cuts off of 5 week budding plants and 6week budding plants. They both rooted just took a dam long time.

Its a little to early to tell if there female or male. Preflowers should be coming out soon usually week 6 and it be easier to tell. Other then that you can force sex her to check her sex.


Well its been on 12/12 since germ, read a couple posts and for height and short grow time i figureded I'd give a try...took a while to get past 2-3 nodes but since has not stopped....new leaf growths every day just sproutin like crazy....

Anyways....if you look at the close up pic of the node dead center (sorry only had camera in phone, cant find my digi) it looks like a white hair comin out of a pistil (I have no clue besides what i've read and looked at pics over and over and over....so In my lack of experience but hopeful opinion its a girl...any backers?


Well-Known Member
Well its been on 12/12 since germ, read a couple posts and for height and short grow time i figureded I'd give a try...took a while to get past 2-3 nodes but since has not stopped....new leaf growths every day just sproutin like crazy....

Anyways....if you look at the close up pic of the node dead center (sorry only had camera in phone, cant find my digi) it looks like a white hair comin out of a pistil (I have no clue besides what i've read and looked at pics over and over and over....so In my lack of experience but hopeful opinion its a girl...any backers?
Ahh ignore my last post then.


Found digital camera...I swear that this is a girl...but i have no experience so I will not jump to happy conclusion

Take a look for yourself and tell me what ya think...


Active Member
just grew out some northern lights, first grow ever, and couldnt have been an easier plant. i used cfl's also.
Found digital camera...I swear that this is a girl...but i have no experience so I will not jump to happy conclusion

Take a look for yourself and tell me what ya think...
its definitely got female traits watch it though on lower bud spots incase she herrmies


A few things. 1. your going to have a really hard time knowing boy or girl until they are in flower. At 4 weeks old though there definitely wont be enough internodal growth to tell but 8 nodes in 4 weeks is worth an applause. Be cautious though because the taller the plant while under CFL's the further the lower nodes will be from the light so they will begin to stretch. My recommendation (and especially if you plan to clone) would be to train your plants. You can super-crop which is basically pinching the stem and turning down the plant. The first few times you will feel like you are breaking the plant but trust me, the plant will come back and the nodes will start sprouting quickly which is where the buds come from. The plant itself tries to grow the 1 bud which is closest to the sun the strongest but when you confuse the plant and put a different node closer to the sun then that one prospers. The goal when cloning (and for me when in flower) is to keep as many buds as possible on 1 level that way they all get equal attention. I started off doing super cropping but I changed to just training the plant. I keep my 2 mothers in a 1.5 gallon pot to where I use bent up paper clips to tie the plant down and as it grows I make the plant like a bonsai tree only I take it in a circle around the pot allowing the nodes to stay close together because they are close to the light and allowing all the nodes to stay at 1 height.

2. It's never too late to clone. Some people even clone while the plant is in flower. I discourage this greatly because at that point the plant is producing for the flower of the plant and not the growth of the plant. Your root system stops growing when the plant stops growing and the plant stops growing when the plant is placed into flower and that's when the plant focuses all of it's energy on the flower or bud. My recommendation for this is to put all of your plants into flower and wait to see the first sign of boy or girl. Once you see what they are (I mean immediately) you kill and destroy your males to ensure NO pollen is released and move your girls back into veg (24 hour light, or at least 18-6) It will take the plants about 2 weeks to get back with the program and start growing correctly again. Once you see them start growing then your plant is safe to start cloning. Check out the cloning forum as it can be quite difficult to do if you don't follow all of the steps.

3. I'm sure you know this but to make sure that you know the veg cycle or vegetation cycle is when the plant and the roots grow, during this phase you can give the plant light ALL the time but should never get less than 18 hours of light per day. The plant can go into flower at the 4th node (not recommended to do so before 4)or you can wait forever in the vegetation phase forever meaning that you can have a "mother" plant that all you do is cut clones off of it basically forever and every time you cut 1 node, 2 more come from it. It's quite fun to watch. :) To make your plants switch phases over to flower you'll want to just switch your lights to 12/12 meaning 12 hours light and 12 hours dark. Of course if your growing this outside then the sun will do this for you, the farther from the equator you are then the shorter vegetation cycle you will have. (You said CFL's so the light cycles will be consistent)

4. Your part about stressing the plant out is really good. NEVER stress your plant out when it's in flower but when it's in veg, the plant is quite efficient at supporting and regenerating. Training your plants in your enviornment is an absolute must so you will really have to train them a lot to achieve this. My current grow is in a 5 foot tall TV cabinet. I have 3 shelves. My top shelf is the large area and I have a 600 watt HPS for flower in a cool tube with a window unit pumping through the back. The middle shelf is for my vegetating clones. They are rooting and then placed in solo cups to get healthy before the flower stage (I leave them in solo cups and have 2 nodes on each plant while in flower this gives me 22 solo cups in flower of course you always could transfer them to larger pots and train those clones and create a new mother or you could grow them bigger while training them and have 1 ginormous bush with 10 or 20 buds on it all at the same height and hence all staying the same size. I have gotten 2 lbs off of 1 plant before but that was under a 1000 HPS bulb) the bottom shelf I have white widdow and blueberry mothers. That is all that is under there. Both plants are very hardy and very easy to grow. The flavor and highs of both are amazing, hence the reason they have won cannibis cup awards. All you have to do is find 1 girl of each plant and then you can clone forever.

5. Lastly, you CAN grow decent buds under CFL. Dont let anyone tell you that you can't. A few warnings though, first, don't be afraid to put your plants as close to the lights as possible Mine in vegetation are about 1/2 an inch from the lights and quite often then touch it (not on purpose) but try to use the plastic guard that the light provides. It's one hell of an invention. ha ha If your lights are too far away from your plants they will stretch and there will be WAY too much space between your nodes making it impossible to have a decent harvest on CFL's. Just be sure not to under-light. I have 2 CFL's for each row of clones and 4 4 foot CFL's for just 2 mother plants. If I was flowering I would have 5 rows of 4 foot CFL's on the top and run 4 rows of plants inbetween them each all staying in solo cups. That's my advice :) Good luck, I hope to see some pics!


Oh, also, under CFL's your plants buds will never be as dense. In fact, they wont compare but you will be able to sense the flavor in the buds and you will definitely get high. Not as high as you would if you got some serious "kind" bud which would be grown under at least a 600 watt HPS but growing pot just for yourself and maybe so a few of your buddies can see ... then dude ... CFL's are sweet. I always wish I could show off my little set-up but remember that it's best to keep it all 100% private. :)