What strain doesn't smell for an outdoor backyard grow


Active Member
heres the story. believe me or not idc. i only joined this community for help on my current grow. but back then i used to sell tabs. friend called me up to help her get rid of a lb. she said she was stuck with it. anyways i got it then, didnt know a damn thing bout mj. all i knew was it smell sweet and that it was called sweet tooth but who knows what it really was. i tried to sell 3 ounces to my friend that worked at this bar/club i used to work at. rich ass arabic dude who smokes like a chimney. he looked at it and said it wasnt dry. he put it in the oven for a few mins and came out and it lose a few grams. so i came home and put a heater to the whole lb and a fan. spread it out on a towel and aired it out for a couple hrs. came out to have lost almost half a lb. so friend asked me to go complain bout it. i did. wont say how i did but i was compensated. believe it or not, oh shit my pic didnt upload.. damn ipad// let me try on my laptop


Well-Known Member
Wow sounds like a great way to ruin that bud.. Please never do that again.. And the only way your gettin a half lb from me would be gun point and better move after that


Active Member
like if u look closely u will see some condensation at the bottom of the bag. but trust me it was all over. like the sealed bag was making it sweat out making it look like a humidity dome when it was in the sun for a while.
and like i said... i got the half lb. enuff said. i didnt know jack shit bout weed back then. now i just self supply


Well-Known Member
The pic seems like it could fit the story with doughts but neways I hope you never cure like that again.. I'm sure you dried it out too much and fast ruining the quality not that it wasn't workable


Active Member
hey it dried it quick. like i said i didnt know jack shit bout weed. but my point is... it fit in the inside pocket of my jacket haha. more liek a huge sleeve. but yeh my point is... it wasnt event dried and it smelled like fruity pebbles so if what yall say bout weed smelling like weed is true then why did it smell like fruity pebbles and it still being wet as fuck?


Active Member
now that i look at the pic again... that shit had a bunch of big ass stems still... fuck i mean i believe in making a buck but wet buds with huge stems? he really ripped me off back then


Well-Known Member
Weed smells different.. Some fruity some spicy some grassy.. Also depends on the nutes.. And a sleeve or in your pants ic but that's a huge pocket..


Well-Known Member
And yea I seen them steams too if you really got a half lb you made out good.. And there's skunky it varys a lot though is my point


Well-Known Member
It's funny though. I leave in the outskirts of the main city in Texas and every night when the wind is blowing just right I smell weed. I know there's not that many skunks pissing every night around here. And it's piney skunky too so I know it's weed. So I wonder if I could just blend in haha. Nevermind sounds stupid now that I think bout it. But bout the curing thing. What you say is right, but I had a lb of sweet tooth a yr ago. And it wasn't even properly dried. And I had the lb in my jacket pocket at the bar, and girls kept coming up to me telling me I smell like fruity pebbles cereal haha. Like the buds were still wet. The bag was like full of condensation. Made the grower pay me another half a lb for the loss in weight.
just lol.



Well-Known Member
i am LOLing at the high level trolling going on, as if it were for my own amusement. carry on, smoothness.


Well-Known Member
Think you're trying to do too much too fast to be honest.. And thought you were growing outside.. Are you trololing I almost think you're uncle buck now..


Active Member
i dont even know what trolling means i thought that was going around making fun of people on youtube haha. the outdoor grow was just an idea. the indoor set up is already beginning. well sorta.. im germinating in rockwool humidity dome right now. can i water log the seedlings? cause i think i watered too much... but i think the heating mat is evaporating all the water too fast cause the rockwool mat is getting dry every few hrs. should i turn the mat off once in a while? or can it constantly be on?


Well-Known Member
What I'm saying is start with one plant and you want to keep the seed moist but don't water logged you'll kill it.. I'm going to sleep now, you're on your own maybe read a grow bible..