What store bought soil you guys using outdoors this year?


Well-Known Member
Just curious for those of us that have to use store bought soil for our outdoor grows. So what are you guys going to use? JMO but Ocean Forest is looking/feling a little bush league this past year and I can't say that I'm really into it. Happy Frog looks good as does Roots Organic potting. Any suggestions or any people in the know as to which soils are fresh and not used up?


Active Member
ok I'm shopping on a budget at the moment so please no critics, but happy for advice. Guerilla grow, florida, sandy native soil, and only Mids bag seed till my GIRLS are ready (then ill buy better soil). But I'm going with Dollar Store potting soil. BAM there it is. Now I plan on adding some perlite, worm casting, bat guanno, bone meal, kelp meal to it but that's about it. I figure 3x3x3 holes filled with this will do well this season.


Well-Known Member
Kellogs patio plus, less than $5 a bag add some perlite and its just as good as fox farm soil IMO. not to mention they have a rebate going on now where you can get up to 10 bags for $1 each ... Search "kellogs patio plus rebate
"on Google


Well-Known Member
Yea I think youre right I just went and re-read it lol. I knew that sounded to good to be true *kicks up dirt*

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Kellogs patio plus, less than $5 a bag add some perlite and its just as good as fox farm soil IMO. not to mention they have a rebate going on now where you can get up to 10 bags for $1 each ... Search "kellogs patio plus rebate
"on Google
that;s what I use, Super soil works too.Just add perlite